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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. E-mail and text sent, at work till midnight so cant talk on the phone but let me know when your free so I can throw some money at you and haul off some parts.
  2. Ended up getting that harness, tail lights, and the chrome tailgate trim from him...just need to figure out how to mount the trim(it came in last night...still waiting on other stuff)
  3. Thanks for the tip! Got the new one in no issues, the tip was just weak from me trying to beat the tool back out after removing the old one so when the roll pin clamped down around it there was enough force to snap it off.
  4. went ahead and bought a set up punches they had at Harbor Freight, managed to hammer it back out! Although after I rebuilt the axle and put it back in the tip of the tool broke off inside the roll pin :/, oh well, will just grind down another section to fit inside to hold the next one. Now I just need to figure out how to get the castle nut back on the lower ball joint without the joint just spinning. (just had to jack up the lower control arm a little bit and it went right on , although I forgot to put the outer bearing back in when I put the axle in so now I have to take it all back apart...but it should go much faster this time.)
  5. I feel you on this one, the windsheild in mine has more cracks than texas dirt in the summer. Looking for a 1st Gen, 1979 here. Best of luck, im sure something will pop up sooner or later.
  6. Sounds like a great plan, wish I had the time and money to get my brat tricked out and drag it around the county with a lady
  7. Fancy, one of them newfangled contraptions
  8. I think the axle might have been turned around the wrong way, the pin on this one was unusually hard to get out. Tried spinning it atound and hammering on the tool with a screwdriver and a punch from the other side to force it back out but it just messed the tip up. Will try using a roll pin to tap it back out tomorrow.
  9. Sooooooooooo started pulling the axle out and the pin came out and then I tried to get the tool out...............its stuck. I have the special tool (long rod with the magnetic tip on the end and everything not just a regular punch or anything) and cant get it back out. Have tried twisting on it with a pair of channel locks and vise grips and it will only turn a little bit each way. Tried prying on the little lip where the size steps down and nothing. also tried tapping on the other end which is sticking out just a little bit but its just messing up. Also tried using pb blaster and liquid wrench, and heating with a torch with all of the above and nothing. Suggestions?
  10. Purchased a complete wiring harness from a 79 wagon thinking it would fit my Brat...it was close but still different so looking to try and get back what I paid for it. Will try and get some pics up asap. PM me with an offer if your interested.
  11. Sweet, looking super clean. What did you use to coat it? Wish my brat was in that great of shape
  12. Yeah its a reprint...would be nice to have one poster sized.
  13. Thanks for the info! Did that one have the bearings? Will probably still buy it from you so I can have a spare, when are you free?
  14. I wish I could help out but recently had a roommate move in so all of my free space is gone
  15. Working on replacing one of my axles and not sure how to get the bearinsg off. the manual I have says to hit it with a brass hammer but I can't get a good hit in without feeling like im going to destroy the seal. Should I go up to oreilly's and borrow a bearing puller or something?
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