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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. Maybe if I win the lottery of stumble upon a pot of gold ill make it up there but about to pay for my summer classes and will be paying for my fall classes right before the show so im sure my cards will be maxed out for a bit . Last year in school though hopefully so WCSS15....ill be there. Even if gas went back down to $3 a gallon it would still cost around $600 just in gas to get there and back .
  2. Much better to pay a little more for something running and in good shape then paying too little and getting overwhelemed and never being able to drive the thing cause its breaking down all the time . Have pictures up yet?
  3. Looked on 1stsubaruparts and saw a few different things and wasn't sure which ones I actually need. I have heard that you can just get one CV boot that will work in all 8 spots...can someone direct me to which one I need to buy? (plan on getting at least 8 and going ahead and replacing all of the boots at once.) Or am I wrong and I need to get different ones for each spot?
  4. Not much progress, picked up a new blower assembly but it needs some work still, started fixing it up but a bit to go before it can go back in. Main issue is I got a new harness but its for a wagon or something and isn't matching up so going to take me a while to either find a new one that actually fits or bite the bullet and start cutting and splicing :-/. I did get some random junk fenders for free so going to practice my sheet metal welding asap and hopefully get confident enough to start cutting out rust and welding in new patch pieces. I also got a new set of tires while discount tire was having their sale for $180, just need to find somewhere to mount them for cheap.
  5. For the sake of not taking up more bandwith...but mostly to be lazy....here is the link to my build thread that has some pictures. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=131079 Haven't gotten to do too much to it lately, been super busy. Hoping to get to take at least half of the summer off from school and get this thing all fixed up and reliable by the end of summer.
  6. WOW....super clean. Would be increadibly jealous if I hadn't grown so fond of the rat style :-p
  7. Awesome, good to finally see some people surfacing, we should definitely try and set up a subaru meet/parts swap type thing for our region in the near future.
  8. Sweet, im not sure if you can search on here by state but might be worth it to make a post asking to borrow a brat, im sure someone is around and would love to be the guinea pig for this. I would say though it would ptobably need to be something relatively simple and cheaper for us with these old beasts.
  9. Not the first owner or anything but im the one who did all of the off-road mods to it originally.I was living in Cedar hill at the time but its been probably 4 or 5 years since I sold it. I am debating on getting an outback or impreza if I can find one cheap enough to be more of a daily but I just love the body style of the 79 Brat I picked up. Trying to get this Texas Group going so maybe we can connect with some of the Oklahoma and Colorado people and set up a south central subaru meet or something.
  10. Yeah I wouldn't mind paying that much for all of the turn signals front and rear. Super high for my rat project.
  11. (Also posted in the Wanted classifieds , not sure if its ok to have it in both with this fancy new Historic Marketplace) -*Tail-gate latch assembly (I have a spare door handle and it has the rods that goes to the latches but I need the piece that connects the rods to the handle and makes it work) -Windshield and a nice windshield gasket. -Hood bump stop. (missing one) -Tan steering wheel and hornpad -Could use a spare rim. -Maybe some turn signals and brake lights if they are in great shape (mine aren't horrible but have some cracks and such) -Drivers front/passenger rear cv axle.
  12. Just an update on what im looking for... -*Tail-gate latch assembly (I have a spare door handle and it has the rods that goes to the latches but I need the piece that connects the rods to the handle and makes it work) -Windshield and a nice windshield gasket. -Hood bump stop. (missing one) -Tan steering wheel with hornpad -Could use a spare rim. -Maybe some turn signals and brake lights if they are in great shape (mine aren't horrible but have some cracks and such) -Drivers front/passenger rear cv axle.
  13. Im sure everyone is going to get tired of me posting this everywhere but its way easier this way. Here is what im looking for: -*Tail-gate latch assembly (I have a spare door handle and it has the rods that goes to the latches but I need the piece that connects the rods to the handle and makes it work) -Windshield and a nice windshield gasket. -Hood bump stop. (missing one) -Tan steering wheel and hornpad -Could use a spare rim. -Maybe some turn signals and brake lights if they are in great shape (mine aren't horrible but have some cracks and such) -Drivers front/passenger rear cv axle.
  14. thinking I might add in some sliders as well...anyone else done this to a brat or the likes?
  15. I want something like that for my 79 Brat, any possibility of a small production run of stuff for Brats?
  16. Yeah I picked up the rusty one in Weatherford. made the drive back to Denton just fine but working out some issues. Have a WTB thread up for all the parts im currently looking for!
  17. Up in Denton, have had lots of subarus over the years, current project is a ratty 79 Brat. We need a South Central Subaru show for all of the texas/colorado peoples.
  18. Yeah I think im still missing part 14 in that picture, right now the rods that connect to the latches on either side have bailing wire wrapped through the little brackets so if you pull hard enough on the wire it pulls om both.
  19. Any way to snap a quick picture of the backside showing how it attaches to the latches?
  20. Yeah its texas....we don't really have subaru dealers, I think the nearest one is over an hour and a half away. Don't sell OEM quality ones online anywhere?
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