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Everything posted by BlindSight

  1. Haven't messed with it yet, been focusing on getting the electrical issues and the heater assembly sorted out first. thinking I might just buy all new boots and try swapping all of the joints around as suggested. Anyone suggest a good place to buy new boots (links or part numbers would be nice )
  2. Amazing, let me knowwhen you get a for sure going to happen and a for sure price, will buy as many as I can afford.
  3. hmmm it moves when I move the air circulation lever. Ordered a new heater valve, debating on getting all new hoses while im at it.
  4. So I picked up a spare door handle to replace my current bailing wire tailgate handle. BUT. I am not sure how its supposed to hook up, I heard the door handles were the same and it bolts on but not sure how to attach it to the rods and get it to open the tailgate latches. Anyone talk me through it or take a couple pics!?
  5. Probably going to pick up that valve, next question I ran into today.... where the heck does this cable go? doesn't have it on my old one...
  6. yeah at that price I would be in for at least 2, probably 3 so I could sell 1 locally.
  7. One of my many subarus over the years...someone elses project now but this is what I come from if anyone has forgotten.
  8. Sweet thanks for the tips, so should I flip the motor around(think it was for a different model or did the previous owner just re-install it wrong?) I noticed a new valve on ebay for $40 if I cant get mine going.
  9. So I picked up a new heater/blower assembly thats in much better shape that mine but I have a few questions about it. First there is this switch looks like it might be a temp sensor or something....looks like it might have been soldered at one point in time but the one on my old one is the same way so not sure how its supposed to look.... Next... The fan assemblies are set up different, on my original one the motor is on the outside and on this one i picked up the motor is mounted on the inside and im not sure which way is correct... Finally... the valve where the hoses connect is frozen on both of them, is there some where to get a new one or where should I look/what should I do?
  10. I am interested in 1, if the price is right I might take a couple if they won't be making anymore.
  11. Well from what ive read the Cardone axles are the same ones that Oreilly and Autozone sell under a different lable. Unless I can find some better ones somewhere I will probably just pick them up from Oreilly's since they have a lifetime warranty I can just swap them out if I have issues. Don't plan on lifting the brat or doing anything crazy so shouldn't be under extra strain. Still can't find rear axles anywhere though.
  12. Anyone have an idea where to pick up rear axles? Found that all of those companies and ebay are selling the same axle (Cardone Industries), anyone used them?
  13. Yeah I picked up one from northern tool on sale for $50, works great and can't really see much difference between it and the ones three times as much.
  14. Is it ok to go with the ones on ebay or where can I find them? Want the best quality ones possible, not too worried about the price.
  15. Id be down for a medium, think its going to happen?
  16. So I have re-booted many an axle but this is my first time with an axle that is clicking badly. So do I need to replace the axle or are their new bearings/joints available? Whats the best solution? Just want it to be as reliable as possible.
  17. Oh I actually do need a new vent, one of mine is missing, willing to sell just the one piece?
  18. Yeah I think we have had maybe 1" of snow this year that lasted for about 2 hours before it melted, sorry.
  19. Well its in Texas now so I don't think winter will be much of an issue . After hunting down some of the parts I need for the interior and either fixing of finding a new wiring harness ill get this thing back on the road and work on it bit by bit. I have around 2 years before my little sister starts driving so ill have my Scion XB to drive around until then if I need to tear this thing apart.
  20. yeah the headlight fuses in the box on the drivers side are fine and don't blow, its just the fuse-able link in that picture with the white wire with the red line that keeps popping. Good to know about the radio wires, didn't have a clock so will just clip and cap those.
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