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Everything posted by skeet

  1. Yeah, my plan right now is to just add an oil cooler. They aren't too hard to find and are pretty easy to install.
  2. I thought about doing that too. We have two lathes, both WW2 era, and they both just have the tinyest amount of shake in them right now. One I know is bearings, but I can't figure out what the other one is yet. Nice work
  3. Kentucky is right on the way it appears. I'll see you around the 18th?
  4. Actually the standard sooby cable works fine. It just took an act of the Three Great Duck Butter Churning Midgets to figure out how to route it.
  5. What have you done to try to fix it? I assumed you cleaned the snot out of it and the filter? Checked the gaskets and other nuggets for leaks?
  6. Well, I ninjad the cable, which I wont go into other than to say that it sucked rump roast. But it works now. As far as routing, I wiggled it under the intake and now it doesn't look like I'll have anymore binding issues.
  7. I don't know jack about brakes, why do I need my rotors turned? By turned, do you mean finked with somehow on a lathe? Lathework I can do myself. Yeah, I had considered front wheel bearings, but I don't know if I will have the jingle.
  8. A RED fire extinguisher? Tacky dude, tacky. It should have NOS stickers over its leopard print.
  9. Ha! Dude, as soon as I get this throttle cable done I have the following projects due immediatly: Axle swaps (both front) Rear LSD install Rear Sway Bar install Rear Control Arms Brake Pads Figure out whats wrong with my instrument panel Figure out how to route the throttle cable so that it will stop binding (I guess this should be at the top of my list) And a bunch of other stuff I am too lazy to write. Keep your phone on, Andy.
  10. So, since I have my weber on backwards and can't find a good way to route the cable, it eventually snapped. It just so happened to snap after I had given my spare cable to a buddy since his had broken also. So I ordered one from napa, and it has the little cylinder end connection thingy, when my previous one had the ball shaped end thingy that fit into the little plastic cup. Do I just need to get a different cable or is there a way to rig this one to my gas pedal?
  11. I am submitting this to the UN to be considered as BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN EVER ANYWHERE EVER. Effin score dude. Grats.
  12. I had a problem like that with my weber. It was a hole in the gasket. /me shrugs
  13. I just rewired the whole thing. Since I was doing that anyways, I went ahead and stuck in new speakers too. It wasn't hard at all, and I had never done it before.
  14. Aunt Bea will have your rump roast if she finds out Miles.
  15. I got mine off eBay. Didn't even bother rebuilding it, it was in great shape. Came off an EA82 (it said that in the auction) so the guy sent me all the adapter plates and stuff that he used. Works like a charm, best $200 I ever spent.
  16. I start this same little project this weekend hopefully. I'm hoping it will only take me about two or three weeks though.
  17. My first guess would be fluid level. After that I would hit the peace pipe and commune with the Transmission Spirits in my car. They'll probably want something like Elixer Root, so off I'll go to the woods of Manadar for another adventure.
  18. , it is better to use. Proper: punctuation! as well/
  19. I don't have time to read this whole thread, so.... Whoever is actually in charge of this: One of my students manages a screen printing shop. If we get a design decided on, let me know what quote you have and I will see if I can beat it. PM me here on USMB.
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