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Everything posted by skeet

  1. All of the above. I have a head gasket leak and an oil pan gasket leak. I figured as long as I am going through all that, I might as well experiment and see how much better I can make that little engine go.
  2. UPS.com says my Weber will be here Monday. I giggle whenever I think about it.
  3. So me and my engine are about to throw down. I'm ripping this SOB apart and putting in all new gaskets and bearings. Questions.... AutoZone sells a kit with all Gaskets and Bearings for $320. I havent done any other price checking yet, so I don't know if its good or not. Thats what I have you guys for Can I get a better price on that stuff? Also.. As long as I am opening it up and gutting it, what else should I do to it?
  4. I entrusted baccaruda with 2 grand and he came through with flying colors. Almost too many colors though. (I think he plays for the wrong team.)
  5. Voodoo. I made a TrashWagon doll out of an old RC Car and chopped up beer cans (it even plays the Sonic theme). I've been stabbing the turbo unit with vials of urine for DAYS.
  6. If you want to make super sure you have pressure. take the sending unit out, put your thumb over the hole, and have someone crank the engine. If the pressure pushes your thumb away, you've probably got enough pressure.
  7. I could be up to something like that. As long as its not November 7-8.
  8. I did both yesterday, did drivers side first. Took 20 minutes tops.
  9. Or it could be the secondary main bypass on the muffler bearing relay.
  10. /me booksmarks this thread for when he installs his Weber next week
  11. Can someone link me to the proper Weber I would need for my 87 carbed?
  12. I took a good long look around the gasket today and I can't figure out where its leaking from. Cleaned it, drove it around, nothing. Looks like JUST the oil pan gasket to me. I'm going to go talk to the mechanic on Monday. Anyone have any luck digging up a Weber?
  13. Going to class now, a friend there is gonna look at it with me too. I'll call you tonight.
  14. I'm back home alive and well I can follow directions, and I have access to ALMOST every tool ever made. How tough of a process are we looking at here?
  15. Andy tought me how to do passenger side ale swap last week. It was easy. However, I get the feeling it was easy because all of that emissions stuuf isn't there anymore. Uhhhh, someone stole it, yeah.
  16. God 2, Skeet 0 Got the wagon on the lift today. The leak isn't infact coming from the oil pan gasket thing like I had thought, its a head gasket. Oh, how I did rejoice at discovering this magical and fantastical news. The clouds parted open, bathing me in pure, holy sunlight. And doves flew out of my rump roast. And then, of course, we looked at the carb. Which was my problem in Montana. Still idling at 2k, blah blah blah. Mechanic (who is going to let me watch him work so I can learn all of this hoopla) says its going to be best to just replace it. Which I was going to do anyway, once I found a Weber. So anyways, he said it would be $240 worth of labor for the head gasket, and I don't think that includes the carb work. He mentioned that kind of as an afterthought. What should I do? Is fixing this something that I can be talked through? Is it worth attempting, or should I just fork over the cash and let the professional have his way at it? I wish I lived in Washington Also: Anyone have a Weber for sale? I have a week before he's ready to work on it.
  17. At home, alive and well. Thanks to everyone who looked out for me, you have no idea how much it means to know people have your back. Full report later, after I get some sleep
  18. Andy told me this weekend that he has never touched a girl.
  19. Well, we've ran seafoam, and farted all over an apartment building (with open windows, heh). I'll go fink with things here in a few.
  20. It does it warm or cold almost all the time. Randomly it will idle fine at 2k for no reason whatsoever, and then die at the next stoplight.
  21. So tonight I leave Spokane for Green Bay, then from there to Bowling Green Ky. Was wondering if some people between there would cough up the contact info in the event that my underknowleged redneck self should destroy his Subaru in some way or shape. If anyone would be willing to do so, email the info to baccaruda@hotmail.com Andy will be taking care of me via super space aged microwave communications. He's also the one who built me this car, so if I die, initiate plan 43Q-96H. Then immediatly eat the poison smores. Eat them while they're good and poisony, thats when they're best.
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