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Everything posted by skeet

  1. Ok, Andy just went to sleep. Guys, this dude is WEIRD. As soon as he walked in the door he started scrambling to hide what he later (upon being questioned) referred to as "modified electric screwdrivers. When asked what they were modified for, he shrugged and walked off. There is also something making noise in the fridge. I think it speaks English. He also said that while we were in his home, we had to refer to him only as "Captain Fruity Finger" Dear god, help me.
  2. my plane lands in Seattle at noon this friday. I sincerely hope, for everyones sake, that you don't have to meet me.
  3. Tell her your old old old buddy skeet is flying in from Kentuky, and he'll only be there Friday. That'll get you Fridat at least By the way, I'm skeet, nice to meet you.
  4. OMG ANDY DID U CHEK ZE LUGNUZ LOLOLROOFLESHAHAHAHA!!!1121!!21!!!1!!!!!``!!~!!@!~`1@1~!! Inside joke, sorry guys.
  5. Oh, I see, yeah, you probably don't trust it for long trips either. Wait a second, weren;'t you about to let me drive that car 2500 miles? You sir, are a dead man.
  6. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY CANCELLED CANCELLED CANCELLED Due to my not having a license to drive, and therefore not being able to legally drive home (2500 miles) with the soob Andy has built for me, I'll not be flying in quite yet. I am currently aiming for September 9th, I'll try to keep everyone posted. Sorry =/
  7. Well, we can put two in the camper, I'll sleep in my soob, and Andy can crash with his goats.
  8. So come on, Seattle natives. Start naming me good local Red Beers.
  9. http://www.farwestirelandbrewing.com/fiannaredlager.shtml That sounds yummy.
  10. Oh yeah, everyone keep in mind there will be 3 of us. I am bringing along a co-pilot for the drive home.
  11. What kind of bucks are we talking about here? I'm more than willing to spring for something nice if thats what everyone wants to do. Sounds kind of fun to me. Do they have local brews as well? I'm a big fan of tasting local beers and ales. (The redder the beer the better) Anyone have any qualms with Taps?
  12. So a place of food getting as well and beer serving, not just a bar, good. (I hate bars) We're getting somewhere now.
  13. I'm deeply saddened by all this "non-beer" talk thats going on in here.
  14. My plane gets in at noon. I expect a full welcoming party of no less than 25 Katie Holmes clones, all with a six pack of Killians in tow. And cake. No, pie.
  15. Why delete it when we can keep it as a memory to all the times you've screwed up? We may need an entire new server to archive them all.
  16. That, and also I plan on giving my soob a 3-6 inch lift, and it would be very nice to fit one outside the car at all times, so I didnt have to have a 15+ rimmed tire in the back, messing with my sleeping area (did that make sense? I'm super drunk)
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