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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. cycle the key to ON/OFF - ON/Off a few times without starting. then pull plugs to look for a wet one. If you find one wet with fuel, maybe that injector is leaking?
  2. if it clicks - gotta go with fairtax above. if not, maybe some neutral safety or clutch pedal switch? (is this an auto trans?)
  3. find the tooth count for your engine as a double check. belt marks only line-up again after dozens of rotations.
  4. just saying, good job riverview on both troubleshooting and posting results/pic thanx
  5. be careful mating to the trans. the TC can slide forward and cause a situation putting too much force on the pump.
  6. I lost a handful of change at a fast lube place once decades ago. we try to remove 'interesting' items and particularly 'cash/coins' .
  7. might be better overall to shop around at Tirerack.com or similar for new rims that have the look you want. there's a system there that lets you load your car's image and 'try on' different rims. maybe at discount tire's website and others too (Rota ?)
  8. ^^^ triple check final drive of trans and rear diff. older 4eat clutchplates have a drive drum that gets 'grooves' i think, can cause clutch plates to hang-up. maybe just got unlucky with the trans swap? might just try another trans or, swap just the tailshaft part - if someone can confirm it will fit, try to get a 98 tailshaft or newer - coupla improvements after 97 1/2 from what i read.
  9. good point here! If you do not hear anything - could be an inhibitor/neutral safety-type problem. Try starting in neutral or shifting in/out/in/out/in from park and neutral. 'pop' the brake pedal with 2-3 quick taps when stepping on it. if 5 spd, 'pop' the clutch pedal. at least, i think a 2000 will have the system in place that checks the pedals? anyone?
  10. not sure what vehicle the pump came from, but some owners of gen2 legacy-based cars have had a broken 'cap'/ bad o-ring problem causing fuel pressure loss.
  11. try whacking the starter with a piece of wood. could be the contacts/plunger are worn and intermittent in the starter solenoid. worth examining/cleaning battery connections and cables too.
  12. You really need to pin-down where the problem is. maybe get a soob-experienced mechanic to test drive it? http://www.subaruoutback.org/forums/99-do-yourself-illustrated-guides/27878-4eat-tail-section-rebuild-without-removing-transmission.html the solenoid and clutches are in trans fluid. The drive part can become grooved and the clutches can bind-up. Also, i have read that after about n97 1/2 , the valve was changed. maybe a tailshaft from a 98 or newer in the junkyard would fix your car?
  13. u-joint, carrier bearing also possible culprits. when you read of binding being worse when warm, those are usually the 5 spd transmissions. Cneter diff in them is a lot different than the wet clutch pack in the auto - and they have no FWD fuse. But, pretty sure a 94 has the 'bad' aluminum sleeve problem that cause the clutch plates to bind. and, I'm not certain how it might behave with temp. Could need a tail-shaft rebuild or, maybe someone knows if a newer style trans will swap in?
  14. no one on the internet can tell you if a 15 year old car is gonna be reliable. a pre-purchase inspection by a good (preferably soob-experienced) mechanic should help you avoid buying a major headache.
  15. condition of timing belt? can you read any CEL codes? after it died, would it crank and NOW it doesn't crank?
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