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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. they should not have been removed but, they can and do break - as well as sway bar mounts. should be easy to spot if they are invlved in the noise.
  2. can't imagine very many original struts with 180K being in top condition. wouldn't hurt to inspect other components too when installing the struts.
  3. yeah - we neeed a better description of the problem. what type of fluid are you losing? rear diff gear oil (it should be full when it runs out the top, square-socket pluf) if auto trans, is that fluid level good? (must be checked while idling) MT or front diff oil ? check the dipstick on the right side at the firewall. engine oil level? could be the air/oil plate on the back of the engine leaking or ???
  4. understood - sometimes you can hammer on the next size smaller English socket - might crack it though. good luck
  5. seems like a bad wire harness or ground. there are 2 sensors built into that one 3-wire unit, one for the ECU, one for the gauge.
  6. if it is flooding, hold the pedal to the floor when cranking and the ECU will cut fuel. It's the 'clear flood' mode. the smell from the rear could be a rusted-thru filler tube.
  7. I'm not really up on all the features in an 08 - if it has VDC or similar, there may be a switch to turn it off. others here will know or you might read-up on features of various models at www.cars101.com the older a car is, the less important the brand's reputation (Subarus is generally good) and the more important the care the car has been given, and its current condition.
  8. more details on car including time since last timing belt service. while trying to start, hold the gas pedal on the floor (yes - all the way depressed) that signals the ECU and it will hold fuel off. It's the 'clear flood' mode in fuel injected cars.
  9. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/47546-oil-change/ shawn is a pro with a shop north of Denver you might also find a youtube video. Eric the car guy has some good ones - dunno if he has an oil change vid though. I like to use a new crush washer (Subaru or Dorman 20mm) many people re-use the washer many times with good luck. I also pre-fill my new filter with oil and wipe its gasket with a little oil on my finger. put your car keys under the jug of new oil. people have started their cars forgetting to fill it!
  10. 2012 Forry probably has HBAs still, no way to inspect that I know of other than lifting and trying the rock the wheel up-down, maybe feel or listen for vibration/noise/roughness whhen turning the wheel. skip to about the 6 min mark;
  11. packing the Outback to leave from DFW for Amarillo, then CoSpgs later this week. (fingers crossed no car trouble)
  12. diff fluid clean and full? could you detect a temperature difference in the hubs if you compared the hubs L vs R? use an infrared remote therm and nad measure after some highway runs. have you tried rocking it up and down? anyway, it too has 170K on it so, it's no spring chicken.
  13. could be bad battery cables/wiring on that age car - even if it's the second set. or ignition switch issue?
  14. It's for when you must use a different sized spare tire, or mix in a tire of a different size or possibly for some special diagnostics. you won't save any gas or otherwise benefit from using FWD under normal circumstances. You're still carryin g the weight and turning all the parts of the AWD system when in FWD mode.
  15. did it rain recently? maybe bad plug wires arcing. I suppose it could be bad gas - did this start after refueling? post a new thread asking for a shop recommendation near your city. You may need a good mechanic to check it out.
  16. well, varying by model and production date, there 'could' be as many as 5 screens. And some of those are in very difficult to reach spots so, 7 hours may be true depending on how the question was asked.
  17. some older soobs have had Crank Pos. Sns be intermittent - usually at temp. knock sensors often crack/go bad on older soobs, no CEL maybe a throttle body cleaning and clean the IACV ? 187K - was the timing belt serviced? maybe slipped timing one tooth.
  18. your call. Our OBW has a filter. I plan not to touch it unless; the transmission case is ever opened, incorrect fluid is ever used, there is a problem that leads me to believe the filter is the cause. don't use just any filter that fits, it's more of a screen inside and is unlike an engine oil filter.
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