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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. Just a weird idea. check at www.boxer4racing.com Teague was putting Konis in junkyard struts and doing an exchange. I dunno if it's too expensive for you or maybe not doable for the Legacy. Probably overkill. There was a website somewhere (scoobymods or ravensblade/northursalia )that had pics and tutorial on putting the Konis in your self. fyi Carl
  2. Are there any codes stored in the ECU? Spending $75 to have a mechanic take a look might be a better investment. The MAF I think is expensive. (I think the 99s are under a recall? not sure about '97) certainly a cat conv. would be expensive too. the o2 and the engine (not coolant) temp sensors would be fairly cheap DIY repairs. btw - I THINK ravensblade got shut down by SOA. Try www.northursalia.com for the same info.
  3. 3 of my guesses all help the ECU control air/fuel ratios. Coupled with the age of the car, I feel they are possibilties. Could be something as simple as a bad ground connection I suppose. O2 sensors (I recently learned) can get 'lazy' and not cycle quickly or may not work well at temp or warm up well/whatever. I dunno
  4. my 4 guesses; front O2 sensor MAF engine temp sensor clogged cat. hows that for pinning it down!
  5. ^^^^^^^^^ seconded plus, make sure parking light switch on top of the steering column isn't on.
  6. I can never rememeber year models for stuff like this, but I DO remember a reacll for MAF sensors acting like this. Maybe it was '99 . Might be worth a look.
  7. Well, unfortunately, Subaru intends for you to just use 2 srews at the top directly into the bumper! (at least if its like my outback). Autozone does carry a black plastic 'plate' with plenty of adjustment slots so you could raise it up a little to a different part of the air flow and THEN attach the plate. I did a similar thing on my wrx - You MAY be able to get an idea from the few pics I have; http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=105
  8. There was recall for some soobs on ABS. I don't recall the YMs involved. The sensors do get corroded plus, sometimes some metallic road debris gets between the sensor and the tone ring/whatever. Check for recalls
  9. I did find this; http://tinyurl.com/cgzcp But likely would need a lot of pumping if used in the coolant system - plus an adapter. (maybe a cheap rad cap, drill out the center o;flow return dealie, and use the o'flow hose?)
  10. OK - we need a link to one of these devices. Are they expensive? does it collapse the hoses?
  11. Well, I think I read of someone doing the tow hook trick so it isn't original with me. Dunno if it was a soob or honda or mitsubishi. So, I won't tell if you won't! I figure I'll get a plastic mounting plate, attach that to an aluminum plate/bracket ben---uh---'formed' to the correct angle,etc. Choose an assymetric point to attach the bolt such that gravity well help keep the device tight. attach that to the the all thread (possibly a long bolt) adjust everything such that 4-5-6 turns will snug up to a nut with a 'jam' nut behind it so its level. not easy to explain but you guys get the basic idea. I suppose it could still block a little air or a fog light or look odd - but its an option. I have also read of some folks that found a Mitsubishi plate mount that attacheg to the bumper in an offset position but I am reluctant to add additional holes to my car if I can avoid it.(though it was a nice looking piece of formed plastic that mounted flush) fyi
  12. D@mn that IS nasty looking - and the axle don't look good neither! lol! Glad you were able to help her out. I assume that's a front axle or the FWD fuse might still move the car. Nice rescue!
  13. You could also use one of those bulbs that 'beeps'. It won't help YOU see but pedestrians/other cars might at least notice you more.
  14. JL may have inadvertently drained and/or refilled the wrong fluid. Also, if a rear axle or CV joint is busted - using the FWD fuse might work. I guess this is too late - hope she's OK.
  15. I've been contemplating (dreaming is more accurate - hah!) about building a license plate holder that I could spin in and out of the tow hook hole. So at a meet or something I could increase the 'bling' of the front end. I may be going to a track day soon too. I might take it off now I think of it. Any body know where I could get some metric 'all thread' and 3-4 nuts that fit in the towhook hole? What is that diameter and pitch? If I do this I'll try to take some pictures.
  16. Lot's of water emitted now - but the tradeoff might be OK if it significantly reduced some other harmful component. I have doubts about the overall wisdom if the creation of the hydrogen involves electricity from fossil fuels. If from nuclear maybe.
  17. I recall reading how some of those ABS/wheel speed sensors can go bad from corrosion. Or some magnetic/metallic trash can get on them. maybe that is what's causing both problems? Why wouldn't a bad wheel sensor throw a code? I dunno
  18. Here's a weird idea. Leave the AWD engaged(don't put the fuse in). What if, as an experiment, you took off the rear drive axles? It would leave the rear diff in place but I'd guess there could be NO torque binding. I dunno. doesn't sound practical seeing it written down! hah!
  19. That's a really good idea about the old rotors. Are the new ones OEM or what? Is it both sides knocking? If you swap rotors side to side does the sound move over? MAYBE if you could get a pile of washers and stack 'em on 3 of the studs, then use the lugnuts to tighten down on the rotor, you could spin it with out the wheel on and just watch for any kind irregularity as it turns? position a pointer very near the rotor as you turn it and look for 'runout'. I'd confirm the calipers slide well on the pins. Doesn't seem like a possiblity, but wouldn't hurt to confirm an axle didn't pull outta the front diff a little! I dunno - very odd.
  20. But if a larger vehicle is actually carrying several people, the fuel use per person could be beneficial - you can't just draw the line at 20mpg. Our old Windstar van usually had 2-5 people in it. for instance. At 20mpg it would be better than a smaller vehicle carrying one person at 39mpg. I don't completely disagree - obviously many folks feel Subarus get poor mileage and may replace them in hte future - but those alternate technologies are not free from fossil fuels either. The very cost involved indicates extensive and sophisticated manufacturing - likely involving electricity generated by fossil fuels, or nuclear. And the move to more plastic components (ironically to make cars lighter so they increase economy - which may also COST lives by making them less safe) means using oil. Nuclear, BTW would save a LOT of lives, scores of coal miners die every year from black lung disease for example. But the hybrids we have now cannot even be 'topped off' in the garage at home. They rely on the gas engine for all battery charging. Batteries which, BTW, are toxic to dispose of and a threat to rescue workers trying to use the 'jaws of life' and other means to extricate occupants of wrecked vehicles. There are 2 Prius - es in my in-laws family. My BIL has one which failed in a way completely unexpected by Toyota - he still has problems with it. And if the traction batteries are completely discharged (they told him it can never happen - but it did.) there are only 4 machines in the US to recharge them! That technology may be 'hot' right now in marketing terms, but it is immature in technical terms. As for foreign sources - I say let's use theirs and keep ours in the ground as long as possible! Again, I just feel its exagerrated in general - and for me personally a very miner issue. No problems with folks who disagree. You're right, when whale oil became too expensive, we got kerosene. When the Brits burned up most of the trees in England for charcoal, we got coal. The market place can find solutions and meet folk's demands. I just hate to see the gumint try to pick the winners and mandate prices,etc. I truly hope we never start growing food for cars while people are hungry! Fossil fuels can be and are mostly used responsibly. sorry for the long reply
  21. Bumping to let folks know there could be as many as 34 soobs there now - more everyday! come on out! (need some old school love though, got a Brat or a Justy?) fyi
  22. I have also begun 'rating' better threads. Might make it easier for folks in the future. Kinda a shortcut around creation of 'stickies/faqs'.
  23. Additionally, you could argue that, Subaru's lineup AS A WHOLE is way ahead of most other companies in 'corporate' gas mileage. (I haven't seen any numbers though - i dunno)They don't make a Titan, Expedition, Hummer or cadillac sized vehicle. i see nothing wrong with them keepin the 'niche' they occupy, even if there are more fuel efficient cars out there - there are many quite worse as you pointed out. And, when it comes to light delivery vehicles or occasional light/moderate hauling - wagons are underrated. Subaru at least has not abandoned the 'wagon' style.
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