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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. Too bad it was so expensive but at least you're back on the road. thanx for keeping us informed. Carl
  2. They show a guy and his dog 'survive' to drop to their butts onto the road. I never felt it threatened a person's life. I DID once see a European commercial for a car (Ford IIRC?) trying to tout its tough construction by showing a stereotypical middle-eastern-looking man drive up, fumble with a satchel and some wires, explode, the aftermath of which shows the car in one piece and unscathed - the blast completely contained inside. Subaru's commercial is very tame compared to that! Carl
  3. If its less likely to happen when stone cold - maybe cat. I think there are tests for it using the O2 sensor bung holes. Also, possible fuel pressure regulator I think. You could try the 'tree trunk test'. Pu tthe front bumper against a tree trunk, shift to 5th, dump the clutch (at idle). Engine should stall immediately. If no, bad clutch. Carl
  4. sorry , left out the word valve - Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve, unlikely to be the problem as it should have been replaced/serviced, just something to check. You might also check the tranny fluid. maybe someone else will have some ideas. Carl
  5. Double check your service records and make sure the PCV has been replaced(cleaned). If not, have it replaced - cheap. Other than that I dunno. Start looking for one plug that is different from the others - might point to which set of rings or valves guides are bad. Compression tes may be warranted. You don't mention the oil consumption rate. How bad is it? Carl
  6. The local salesman I've been speaking with about an upcoming Impreza purchase says they Tribeca is selling really well. I actually like the front slightly more than the rear quarter area - where it bulges out to go to the light - nasty. Carl
  7. I think that's a very good suggestion - and not the first time I've seen it - but, I guess I just can't convice myself that, even with the discounts, I'm gonna like going to a Saab dealership for warranty issues, service etc. And even though I KNOW its a subaru, it won't say it on the outside (barring rebadging it or something). I dunno - it's aconsideration. Plus, I might wait at least till i see the specs on the '06s. I'm hoping the incentives come back after these current ones expire. thanx Carl
  8. I wonder, without asking for anyone's personal information, how hard I can push the pricing for a new WRX wagon? In general, do folks regularly get into the 4% (IIRC) dealer holdback? Or is invoice gonna be about the best I can do? Just looking for a guideline. tia Carl
  9. Well, it seems reasonable the smell you had was either the oil in the center diff or some oil (do they have oil? or gas?) form the strut getting on the exhaust. More likely the center diff if you always smelled it when it began having problems. And, as I understand it, the VC center differential works (engages) when slippage at one wheel cause the oil to heat up, its viscosity changes and 'locks' the front to the rear transfering power. That's one reason tire circumference is important, if they are different, the system interprets the different rotaion rates as slippage and you get the center diff to activate. At a distance like we are here, I suppose what they are telling you is quite likely - I just would like to feel confident they have done a good job of diagnosis. It would be a shame if they replace the CD and some tread separation on a tire cooks the new one! I'd be tempted to have another shop replace BOTH rear struts(cartridges/whatever) just so they would match. As Setright said - KYB would be good. maybe get both rear done by an indie mech. for not much more than one by Subaru. That should also be a job easy to quote by phone so use that to help with you decision. Hope you get this in time. Thanx for posting back. carl
  10. From 'another forum' it appears the Subaru hitch has more clearance than much less expensive after market hitches. And, there are longer hangers availabble to help with clearance issues. So I guess I just need to go ahead and get the Soob hitch and then shop for a muffler with a low exit tip or oval or dual tips located as low as possible. Seems like folks have almost always found a way to make it work. Carl
  11. Is there a thread or any personal experience with non-interfering combos of trailer hitches and sport mufflers? I may want this on a WRX wagon to be purchased soon and evidently Subaru says their muffler and hitch interfere. tia Carl
  12. Yeah, I thought toluene or xylene was the hook-up. Seems acetone is something different. I dunno Carl
  13. I remember seeing Kevin post occasionally. Naturally I'd like to have a dealer closer - but Teape is a startup, at least we have a replacement for the Automall. Carl
  14. At last I have funds for a new car for myself. I'm attracted to the WRX wagon though I may test drive 3-4 different soobs. The confused thoughts I need to work around are; '05 or '06 and stick or auto. If there is a 'sport shift' option on the auto I think I'd be happy with that. I mostly just need a daily driver (though I 'dream' of rallyx or performance driving school, probably just not gonna happen) that's fun. My 2 most favorite cars I ever owned were both small and light. '69 Datsun 2000 (srl 311) and a '81 Civic wagon. Both stick. I'm not a great stick driver. Not horrible, just not 'pro'. The driving I do now is almost all surface streets.(I have '96 Dodge Avenger) I'd like to have a 1 1/4" hitch put on (which ones interfere with performance mufflers? diff armor?) for a bike rack - but the capability of a rare tow of a small trailer would be nice. And an auto means it's easier for my wife to use the car on occasion or loan to a kid in an emergency. Just wondering if Subaru has a sport shift auto (in the Baja?) and what it's like. Any more news on features/performance of the '06 WRXes? Carl
  15. I'd still be interested in measuring the actual circumference of the tires. Even though they are all the same style/wear - tread separation may lead to a difference in size I guess. thanx for the updates btw. Carl
  16. There are others here that have more experience with stuff like that but I think Soob shocks (or cartridges/whatever) are made by a well respected company - I wanna say Koni but don't hold me to that. I think high quality after market installed by a competent mech would be fine - just don't know if it's worth the inconvenience to you or not. So far, 2 mechs have not been able to diagnose the torque bind/whatever problem you still have. I might be tempted to avoid any very Subaru -specific work given to those guys, but installing cartriges/struts should be about the same as other cars I guess. thanx for getting back to us with results. Carl EDIT! - I just had a weird thought, is it possible you drive off road or on gravel a lot? If so, could a blown shock cause enough slippage of its associated tire to overwork the center differential? In other words, are the 2 symptoms you have related? I hope someone else is monitoring this thread - I'm getting outta my league now!
  17. Less likely culprits would be the strut, the inner joint (tripod or double offset) or a wheel bearing(?) The grease smell is what points to the center diff, CV joint or strut. I don't see how the shuuder going STRAIGHT over small bumps could be a CV joint. I dunno - perhaps you have 2 problems. It may be worthwhile to actually measure the circumference of your tires (after confirming proper inflation pressure) Subaru claims they need to be within 1/4" of each other. The ctr diff on the manual cars may be a little less picky about this number than the auto trannies. let us know - might help me or someone else in the future! Carl
  18. Do investigate the CV joint boots. Sometimes they split and spray grease on the exhaust - but a mech should've spotted it. Possible center differential going bad. When you turn - is it just the 'feeling' or do you hear clicking or knocking? If you hear something, is it one side versus the other? That's a CV joint. Center differential is a lot more expensive than CV joints. get it to a GOOD Subaru mechanic. Unfortunately, this sounds more like your problem. Carl
  19. Are you running different sized tires or a spare? Done so recently? We also do need to know what tranny you have. Carl
  20. I once read that on the dunes, when the big Fords and Dodges are stuck, the soobs go swimming up trhu the sand to pull 'em out! maybe cause they're lighter? I dunno. Carl
  21. Quick answer, probably either is OK. Slightly longer answer, tight engine, light duty, 10-40 OK. BUT, if the engine smokes a little or will be towing or doing other hard duties - 10-50 might give you an edge. Oh, never think an older engine doesn't deserve regular oil changes - even one that may burn some oil. Any indication that rings are worn/bad will also mean combustion products AND raw fuel are blowing by into the crankcase. So changing the oil will help remove those and keep the viscosity up. my $.02 Carl
  22. I believe there are 2 temp sensors. One is coolant, but the other one is used by the cpu to determine 'choke' conditions. What color is the smoke out the back? definitely fuel? Look for the engine temp sesor and related wiring - maybe just disconnected or cut. maybe bad sensor. let us know OK? Carl
  23. I might be shopping for a WRX wagon soon. Any news on what type auto tranny they'll get? Sport shift at least - I hope? I dunno, might get a manual. I assume that's gonna be a 5 speed not 6? Carl
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