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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. I feel it's worth checking for a slight timing belt slip - bring the marks on the pulleys around to belt install position, and do a tooth count. You can find tooth counts on line for different Subaru engines.
  2. You could try something like Trans X, but I have only read of it helping with 'delayed engagement'.
  3. coupla comments; were the thermostats used OEM style with the larger wax capsule? it matters have u tried test runs with thermostat removed or 'drilled-out' ?
  4. maybe there is a problem with the definition for that car. Maybe contact romraider's support? or there's an ECU problem? beyond me - just spitballing. there's a good tuner guy over at subaruoutback.org, user west_minist , he might have an idea.
  5. If the car runs well, perhaps get an ELM327 BT reader and a smartphone app. Not too pricey to try if you suspect the romraider cable or car definitions.
  6. CANBUS systems are sensitive to some LED installations as you mention. Most soobs have had canbus since '05, '06 , maybe varying a year or 2 depending on model? good post by Ido above btw.
  7. I dunno, if a jump start and test drive went OK, offer them a price reduced by the cost of a battery and maybe alternator?
  8. any back-firing? maybe timing slipped. IACV hose not connected to/fell off of intake?
  9. on many outer CVJ (Rzeppa joints) there is a snap ring on the end of the axle you remove. Then there can be some hammering involved if the inner part is stuck on the axle.
  10. also, batteries in Oregon would last longer than batteries where I live but, you battery, if original, was certainly not 'young'. The original issue could have been caused by a weak battery, with a partially sulfated cell or ....? I have had spurious codes set by failing batteries on 3 occasions in 2 different cars. I have read elsewhere that oil lelvel sensors have been known to fail such that the light comes on when levels are only a few ounces down - increased sensitivity. Check subaruoutback.com for posts about oil level sensor. I also think it's 'possible' that, in order to satisfy your request to see a damaged wire, the dealership grabbed the first wire they could find, cut it, and displayed it. Doesn't mean they lied necessarily about the actual problem, but maybe your 'real' part/wiring had already been thrown in the bin andno one wanted to dig for it. just an idea.
  11. just a coupla comments. A lot of rodents have urine that will glow under UV I think. Not sure which rodents ot what wavelength UV - worth researching .... Rodents MUST chew due to incisors that never stop growing. rodents are able to get into really cozy spots. If ALL the cuts are to wiring with 'clear and easy' access to a persons arm/hand equipped with diagonal cutters....suspicious.
  12. auto-trans fluid is checked while idling. The stick will always show overfull when checked with engine stopped. any relationship to rain or dew-y mornings ? could be plug wires are cracked.
  13. on the older cars, you might just need to cycle lock/unlock a coupla times with the key fob after a battery disconnect. maybe not even that.
  14. ^^^ yeah, if you tell us what your goal/desire is for the car - there are several folks here who could help you modify it.
  15. how many miles on the 05's struts? I'd put new on for the trouble.
  16. as a triple check, search online for the tooth count for your engine. Good to use especially after you turn the crank over with the wrench before firing it up.
  17. just make darn sure it isnt' the pressure sender - it's kinda behind the alternator I think.
  18. uh-oh, 'could' be the waterpump. It has a weep hole. Have only read of coolant coming out but, IIRC, it could also leak oil if the the other side of the pump has a bad seal. your engine may be different from mine - plus, seems like your leak could be under pressure and I think the WP's oil side is just splash. anyway, this older thread on another Forum might have some pointers; https://www.subaruoutback.org/threads/3-0-oil-leak-help.312057/
  19. is there a 'motor control relay' or similar? Had an old Nissan for my daughter that would intermittently stall - it was a relay dropping-out.
  20. what year/model? if someone were spraying carb cleaner, starting fluid or maybe a stream of propane gas into the intake, would the car try to keep running? any CEL or pending codes?
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