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1 Lucky Texan

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Everything posted by 1 Lucky Texan

  1. somewhat of a scramble to get Medicare going to avoid lapse in med coverage. Still working thru a few issues with that but mostly trying to determine how to satisfy different agencies' requirements.....wife takes a very expensive drug (she has CIDP ,psoriasis, etc.) that was mostly comped by a manufacturer's program, but now she has to switch to a different program or - it's like $800/month!!! my wife (wisely in retrospect) got her mom out of her snr apt about a week before the first shutdown and she's been here since. Our house is less handi-capable than where she was, but, we have been able to limit her exposure to potential infection quite a bit. Plus, several folks at her (and other similar facilities around here) have gotten Covid, and one died (that we know of - we get second and 3rd hand info from her acquaintances still there). She has cong. heart failure, COPD, is overweight,etc. If she got covid it would kill her. Being unemployed now actually reduces everyone's risk at our house. But she misses her cat, she has different rules/schedules living here, space is a little tight-ish, plans my wife and I had are on hold ..... but there's going to be a 'far side' to all this - we're going to make it in some form or other.
  2. got my 86yo MIL living with us - very stressful at times. Lost my job, not horrible as I am just a few months away from SS at 66, just another unplanned 'shock'. . not trying to compare battle-scars, but , it is like Ido said, stress everywhere. tough times don't last - tough people do. It's my belief that Nipper is one tough SOB. from what I have read, on an Outback, stay with 2016+ to avoid some CVT issues I think.
  3. could oil pressure be high? I had a 78 Honda, had to put it back together after a broken TB/broken valve disaster, the oil relief valve stuck and it popped the seal on the oil filter. seems unlikely to be something that would develop over months though.....
  4. gummy PCV valve might increase pressure and exacerbate any leaks. but, yeah, read many times of hemorrhaging separator plates, can't recall reading about any rear mains leaking.
  5. to me, this seems like it needs contacts and maybe plunger parts in the solenoid. common issue on older Denso starters. parts are easy to find and I think there are youtube videos on the process.
  6. are '93s old enough to have the wet clutch pack 'basket' that is easily scored? maybe the plates are hanging-up?
  7. Well, most of this I learned from reading, but I did have a couple of co-workers that tried LEDs in their non-led headlights. At first they were - "OMG, now the stop signs are really glowing!!!" , I asked them if more folks were flashing them to dim their lights and they said, "well, yeah, I have noticed some of that"........ It didn't work well for them longterm.
  8. Dunno if Canada has a law like our Magnussen-Moss act though..... still, if parts and fluids meet the specs called for in the manual, close to impossible for the dealer to win if they challenge you.
  9. certainly sounds like torque bind. does you model have a FWD fuse - maybe on the strut tower??? of course, the tires should all be the same circumference. Same brand/model/size and near each otheer in wear.
  10. very mixed results with LED. problem is, the reflectors are designed for a 'long and skinny' light source - a filament. Most LED bulbs do not replicate that shape so, instead of a clean cut-off line the light 'splatters'. On some models, you might need to move of modify parts behine the reflector to accomodate heat sinks. A few folks have been happy with lled upgrades but, just make sure you can return anything you want to try.
  11. It may depend on how the knock sensor has failed but, they CAN detrimentally affect performance by causing the car to over-retard timing. many people have found cracks in the knock sensor and had good luck with $15 or w'ever replacements. pay attention to which direction the cable 'points', remove old sensor, clean underneath , bolt new one on, don't overtorque it, plug it in.
  12. does it feel like pulling, or a failure to return to center or ??? is there any whining from the PS pump?
  13. while cranking, feed-in some starting fluid, unlit propane or maybe brake cleaner into the intake, if it fires, you have a fueling problem. If not, likely electrical.
  14. next time you have it off the ground, stab the brakes and immediately test for smooth rotation. Hydraulic hoses can, rarely, develop a flap from failure of the inner lining that operates as a check valve.
  15. as I understand it, you VIN can be entered and any/all extended warranties will show-up. Supposedly, our 03 Outback has lifetime coverage on the seatbelts.
  16. what type bulb is it? there's very little you can do without some annoying trade-off. Brighter bulbs have a shorter life span. Conversions to HID are pricey/'iffy' .
  17. on our cars, 2-speed fans right? maybe some temp sensor is not signalling for high speed????
  18. I dunno what it is, but the car has a cabin air filter -a fresh one couldn't hurt and maybe give you a chance to check for rodent damage or loose wiring in the blower area....? check radiator level - in the radiator, don't trust the overflow to reflect actual coolant volume.
  19. gah! so, they chewed wires or some critter related 'moisture'corrode some connector? [grizzledprospectormode]galdurned Prairie Flounders !![/grizzledprospectormode]
  20. dunno really, read that the early ones have a reputation for being underpowered. Maybe check cars101.com for features?
  21. sometimes, brake lines can act like a check valve, maybe the pressure bleeds-off after a while but 'locks' immediately after brake use for sometime. guys, could this be a broken axle? freewheeling while the good one does all the pulling? (but I still dunno what vehicle this is - might not be possible)
  22. some folks I've read used Marvel Mystery oil to 'clean out' stuck hydraulic lifters. just using a synthetic - cheap walmart or w'ever - 'could' eventually clean out old gunk. One of the reasons synthetic looks very dark on oil changes is because it keeps varnish in suspension better than conventioal oil. It can clean, then keep things cleaner. just some ideas thoughts on the issue.
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