No vacuum leaks detected from spraying carb cleaner around, and I did plugs about 3 days ago, changed cap and rotor today...and only changed one wire today lol, I pulled one of the old ones apart the other day and my dad "jimmy" rig-crimped it back together so I just replaced that wire for now, im hoping that when I change the rest it goes away because it is definately less noticeable than when I was first experiencing it miss. Assuming the wires dont fix it, any other ideas? BTW not blowing smoke of any color and no backfiring or anything, I will try the plug wires tomorrow and let you know. I am very sad because this is the first subaru I have had and I LOOOVe it....the motor, everything is right there, the starter is on top, the alternator, too bad this wagon is so rusted ill be surprised to get it through the winter. Thanks in advance.