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  1. Well thanks for all the help, as far as I can tell Wires, as soon as I put them all on, fixed the problem, she runs a lot better now and idle's smooth. Thank you everyone, I can't wait to get this registered so I can play even more
  2. Haven't put the other wires in yet because I went to start it this morning and I had a weak battery in it lol so I gotta swap in another one. but anyways, if the cable's dont help, could it be the coil making it miss when its warm? I just know from going to school that since it only happens when its warm really makes me wanna think its something electrical with the ignition.....again any insight would be appreciated.
  3. No vacuum leaks detected from spraying carb cleaner around, and I did plugs about 3 days ago, changed cap and rotor today...and only changed one wire today lol, I pulled one of the old ones apart the other day and my dad "jimmy" rig-crimped it back together so I just replaced that wire for now, im hoping that when I change the rest it goes away because it is definately less noticeable than when I was first experiencing it miss. Assuming the wires dont fix it, any other ideas? BTW not blowing smoke of any color and no backfiring or anything, I will try the plug wires tomorrow and let you know. I am very sad because this is the first subaru I have had and I LOOOVe it....the motor, everything is right there, the starter is on top, the alternator, too bad this wagon is so rusted ill be surprised to get it through the winter. Thanks in advance.
  4. I have a 87 Subaru wagon GL with the 1.8l carb motor. Car runs great when cold, but when she warms about (after about driving for 20 min or so) she starts missing erratically but at least once every 2 seconds. they aren't big misses...make the car shudder barely noticeably at idle....the car didnt idle right when I got it, put in new plugs, wires and cap and rotor...and couldnt get car to idle so I had to bump up the idle using the idle screw next to the linkage. If the mixture screw had a cap on it and is in its own "independant" housing, than that isnt an option because I tried tapping and drilling it out and it only lodged it down about a 1/4 inch and im afraid to drill further....The thing that confused me though was when I was trying to tap it out the whole "housing" it is in was moving around....am I tapping at the right place? Its about an inch right of the idle screw below the two small angled vacuum ports. I need help plz....hopefully this will be a daily driver. I believe she does miss under load but it is not noticeable it is mainly when the throttle plate is closed. Thanks for any help or insight. BTW, No MIL lights on as of right now.
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