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Everything posted by mommacat4

  1. I HAVE the 2005 Atlantic Bluee LLBean edition too! I LOVE IT!!!!! Mommacat 4
  2. Hi Bunionboy! I had a 2000 Out Back Wagon with over 139,000 miles. LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!! NO problems at all. I drove 500 miles a wwwk. It was too incredible. Three weeks ago my husband bought me a 2005 LLBean Edition 3.0 Outback wagon. She is soooooo incredible! I am an Outback Wagon Girl. I will NEVER own any othe rcar! Does that help? :-) Mommacat4
  3. My HUbby biught me a 2005 LLBean 3.0 Wagon Atlantic Blue LOADED!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Got a GREAT deal on her too. I hated to trade my other little "ru" in but I am so in love with this new little girl I Hav enamed her Bella.. I htink it means beautiful! This car can get up and gogogo! Had to share. Mommacat4
  4. HI all!!!! Last Saturday.. my Hubby bought and paid for a NEW 2005 3.0 Outback Wagon. Atlantic Blue, tan interior.. LOADED up the wazoo. It was sooo hard trading in my other little Ru.. Cecilia.......but ohh man this little girl is sooo nice and WOW DOES SHE MOVE OUT!!!!! I LOVE MY NEW RU!!!!! Mommacat4
  5. Hi, I have seen the commercials...I like the ads.... love the song.. but I am still an OUTBACK person. Nothing will sway me from my Outbacks. Mommacat4
  6. Hi Subie, I am defintely an Outback momma. I will get a nother Outback. We are thinking of the 2.5 or the 3.0 but I REALLY do NOT Need the LLBean version. I love the leather seats.. have those in my "Ru" now.. and I LOVE the seat heaters! They are sooo great. So I Know I'll get the leather interior. When do the 2006's come out? Mommacat4
  7. HI! Well I was commuting almost 500 miles a week for almost 5 years. It REALY racked up the miles in a hurry. I saw the 2006 Forresters were already out.. when are the 2006 Outbacks coming out and are there any changes? mommacat4
  8. THanks so much. I was looking at the new 2005 Outback. NIIIIIICE. But I really hate giving up my 2000. It actually makes me sad to think of trading her in. I LOVE my Subaru. Mommacat4
  9. HI! THis is my first post on this forum. I am a happy Subaru owner. I have a 2000 Outback Wagon with almost 140,000 and still going strong. We are thinking of getting another little "RU" for me. Keeping the one we already have and adding the baby to the family. Here's my dumb question, and I Have been wondering for a long time. What's the difference between the Outback and the Legacy? is one more of a top of the line then the other? THanks for your help! Momma cat 4
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