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Everything posted by mortimc

  1. All I can say is do all you can do to keep that engine from overheating or youll be replacing an engine. Started loosing power on the highway one day goin up a hill looked at the thermo, waaay in the red, toasted engine. Luckily,a week later I came home to find that my girlfriend bought me an engine! Yeah, I know, whata girl. Good luck. Clayton Bellingham, WA
  2. Thanks, I live in Bellingham, WA. So that would work out pretty well. Ill see if I can find some tomorow, if not I'll let ya know. I was thinking it would be a good idea to reinforce them somehow because thay have a lot of sheer stress loaded through 'em, but I dunno where to start. Clayton
  3. Both of the motor mounts on my 81 subie sheared on the plate that is attached to the block. Has anyone had any sort of problems like this, if so, what did you do. I just welded the pieces back together without reinforcing them (didnt know what clearence problems I might create). This is temporary for now, I expect them to crack again in the heat affected zone pretty soon. But, they're pretty easy to pull in and out if anyone has a brilliant idea. Clayton Bellingham
  4. Thanks all, I had a post earlier this week about my engine not running. It was an ignition problem, I followed the directions to the best of my ability on the FSM and it wouldnt work. So I took it into my own hands (with tips from usmb) and after a bit of tinkering with the disty (and uncrossing 2 and 4) she fired up and runs great! One more thing, my oil pressure and temp gauge have never worked, with original or new engine. Im sure everyone would agree these are very vital gauges, any tips would be appreciated. Clayton Bellingham
  5. I havnt done any work on the engine besides installing the disty, so ill take a look at that when it stops raining. Do you mean switch the wires one place counter clockwise on the disty? And I also dont know where to look for these error codes. Thanks all,
  6. I picked up an engine for my 88 wagon D/R threw it in and I can't get it to start. Ive checked the cam and distributor timing several times and everything appers to be correct, but im going to triple check it tomorow. Ive got good spark and I installed the distributer and checked the cam timing according to the Factory Service Manual (which is the best reading material I know of). There is definatly fuel pressure and intake manifold is gassy. I would assume that if cam timing is right and spark is timed that I should be getting some combustion. I did a leak down test and it was a bit under par on a couple cylinders. leaked out of intake valves only. I'm pretty lost if anyone can think of something that I may have overlooked, or can think of anything to check I'd appreciate it.
  7. I had a simmilar noise with my justy a couple years ago, I didnt do anythin about it and the engine blew. Picked up a used engine for 100 bucks at a junkyard, ran good. Seems to me it would be a coonecting rod problem.
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