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  1. I had the same problem in my 95. My problem cost $300.00 and it didn't get fixed(brake mechanic-dumba$$) I traced the wires and there is a connector under the rear seat that was broke and disconnected -I used a zip tie/tie wrap to connect it and the problem was gone.
  2. I pulled the fuse on my 95 using the Haynes manual- I had to amke sure the wheel was straight, put the key in the lock position, disconnect the negative cable, wait a few minutes for the reserve battery chare to drain then pull it(mine was obvious it had a yellow protective cover which was a bugger) All of this to prevent the costly repair of a bag going off-well worth it- Get another manual
  3. Lt blue with dark grey cloth. Everything works except the intermittent wipers- it just does HI/LO would drive it any where at any time in any weather. I'm the third owner- bought it for $5,500,put a grand into it, now I'm selling it for $5,500. Please only serious buyers respond-thank you
  4. Try looking at the EGR, engine ground,and test the fuel pump. It seems like I read about this while trying to find out what was wrong with my beast. Try looking in the Haynes manual under electrical 5-something or endwrench.com thats where I found the solution to mine
  5. Problem solved! The scanner wasn't reading anything because a fuse "SBK2 or 3" was blown. Which is where my problem was. When I was pressing on the gas my foot touched some wires that touched another electrical connection(yellow) which in turn blew the fuse. FYI- these wires are located directly above the gas pedal(used to solve problems/diagnostics I had checked everything top to bottom, mine vs. new parts, everything and nowhere in any book did it say that this fuse was related to the ignition system but it was in a round about way. So I thank you all but especially Legacy777 for leading me in the right direction and posting a link to endwrench.com(which is where I found the answer in the archives under electrical) ALL YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Thanks again, check your wires, carry an extra fuse-they're $9.00 from the dealer.
  6. ok did the scanner test.....and nothing.... The autoxray ezread 2000 model scanner says "vehicle is not responding" What does that mean??? I tried 2 different obd2 connectors as well as generic and specific on the scanner and the same result. Is there a special connector?? The scanner says 1996 and later obd2 but mine is 1995 with obd2??
  7. Checked a few more things- no cel's all sensors are ok(cam/Crank) no spark from plug to body plugs aren't wet I'm throwing in the towel and going to get a scanner! I'll post as soon as i know anything Thanks for all your help
  8. Try your local auto salvage. I got 2001 front and rear seats for my 95 SW for $300.00 They looked brand new and the drivers side was even power!!! I got them in Portland,Oregon I beleive their web is http://www.fosterauto.com Foster Auto Parts
  9. The Car: 95 LegacySW AWD/ABS 5 spd. w/61k Problem: It will turn over but won't start When it happened: I had just started it and it was idling for maybe one or two minutes with headlights on. I just released the e-brake and was pushing in on the clutch and finding reverse(simultaneously)and everything went dead, then the lights came on. So I tried to start it again and it turned over but did not start. 1)I've tested the secondary resistance on the coil pack-ok 2)I've tried to test the ignitor voltage but I don't believe I had the correct LED tester. I just have one with a normal tiny light bulb. 3) I'm getting about 12 volts from the center wire on the connector that goes to the coil pack connector. 4)According to Haynes the primary resistance on the coil pack should be .62-.76 and I'm getting 1.5 Anybody have any probs like this or with the ignitor, ECU, coil pack???? Is there a way to test the ignitor all by itself with a digital meter?? Please help-I'm lost or at least perplexed
  10. Just changed my 95 2.2- takes 4.2 qts. (from the factory book)
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