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  1. I've done this. When the exhaust is blowing into the coolant tank(everything going in reverse pretty much), is that why the brand new antifreeze that I just put in their has turned black. If so It might be worth taking the radiator off. Course in my lil' Chilton book I can't find "Head Gasket" maybe it's under Cylinder Head ....
  2. I was reading back on some of the other posts and I was thinking maybe it's the head gaskets too. Course it could really be anything the car has really been mistreated, and I had to drive it hot for quite a few miles. I think I might just give up and take it in once I get the money for it, their's a little subaru shop in the next city over. I hate to give up but I'm poor and their are no junk yards around here. We'll see though, I'll keep updating. Thanks lots!
  3. I now think it's either clogged because it's not surculating... or maybe it's the water pump????
  4. What upper hose? The one going from the coolent reserve, or the large one going to the engine? The radiator is a reverse system. Also what lower hose, the lower radiator hose, with the thermostat, or the bypass? Sorry to act so helpless but I really am. My books don't really tell me much when it comes to this. Also I just took my car for a drive. It didn't totally overheat, but it did get very hot(to the dotted area), also the coolent reserve had filled past the full line, and now looks black. I'm confused. Thanks for the help, I'll try this out.
  5. Hi, I'm new here. I searched for a site like this because my car is very sick, and I do not know what is wrong. I've had this car for 6 months. It ran just fine when I bought it from a used dealership. First thing we've changed is the air filter, ran better. I ran it almost 2000 miles so far. I only drive it around my city(Very small one), and have taken two trips to a city out past the mountains(about 150 miles away), I do not "Rally" my car. SO! My Bypass hose had a cut in it, the car overheated and broke down(not completely, but enough that I didn't wanna drive it another 100 miles home), so I changed the hose myself, it quit leaking, I put new antifreeze in it, it still overheated, so it got towed home on a flat bed, we(my husband and I) flushed the radiator out completely, I cleaned the coolant holder, and changed the Thermostat! It's still overheating. I don't know what to do. My neighbor bought me a Chilton book and I've been reading it like crazy, but I can find out much. I was thinking maybe it's the thermosensor. Dose anyone have any tips? Been though this before? have no idea what I'm taking about? Either way, thanks lots.
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