Hi, I'm new here. I searched for a site like this because my car is very sick, and I do not know what is wrong.
I've had this car for 6 months. It ran just fine when I bought it from a used dealership. First thing we've changed is the air filter, ran better. I ran it almost 2000 miles so far. I only drive it around my city(Very small one), and have taken two trips to a city out past the mountains(about 150 miles away), I do not "Rally" my car.
SO! My Bypass hose had a cut in it, the car overheated and broke down(not completely, but enough that I didn't wanna drive it another 100 miles home), so I changed the hose myself, it quit leaking, I put new antifreeze in it, it still overheated, so it got towed home on a flat bed, we(my husband and I) flushed the radiator out completely, I cleaned the coolant holder, and changed the Thermostat! It's still overheating. I don't know what to do. My neighbor bought me a Chilton book and I've been reading it like crazy, but I can find out much. I was thinking maybe it's the thermosensor.
Dose anyone have any tips? Been though this before? have no idea what I'm taking about? Either way, thanks lots.