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Everything posted by MaroonDuneDoom

  1. i have one off of an ea81 wagon. different feet. they are open on the inside. just grind it to fit. thats all you can really do in your situation.
  2. i've got the 88 sitting in pieces in my driveway. i had to pull the axle away a little bit in order toget the ball joint off. now it won't go back in. it's out about an inch or so. i've tried to turn the hub and force it back in, but it wont go. The problem is at the "angle" which connects to the spline and goes into the tranny. urgently need help. thanks
  3. don't worry about the criminal thinking. we've got that part pretty well covered. feel free to ask as many questions as needed. criminal or not.
  4. Get this. Right after i last posted, i was driving home and nearly lost my damn wheel. well, not quite, but you get what i'm saying. the nut on the bottom of the ball joint pulled itself off and while i was turning, the ball joint pulled out of the lower control arm. needless to say, tire into fender........again. i pulled over and "fiddled" with it for about half an hour. i could not get them to go back together. i eventually fit them and held it together with a bent allen wrench. got me home at least. i got a new ball joint today and i'm fixin to put it in.
  5. the LED sounds like a great idea. i know with other makes you can pry the window down until you can get your fingers in there and just push it down slowly. not sure if soobs are this way or not.
  6. i only need two grand, give/take, and i'll have me a soob for the street. an XT6 AWD. <drool> i oughta just sell drugs and get the cash in a month or two. i know, i know. BADBut, thats not it. it's the jail time involved if you get busted. :drunk:
  7. yup, it drags. it's starting to score the wheel. i'll get a new one. can i replace it with regular everyday tools? any tips on replacement?
  8. i went screaming around a right-hand corner yesterday and heard a LOUD pop. now whenever i turn left it feels like my pass. front tire is ready to fall off. it pops and wobbles severely. does this sound like a ball joint? any/all suggestions will help. makes me not like driving my soob:boohoo: HELP
  9. that's funny. i used tohave to dothe same type of thing with y wagn. i had no wiper mtor so i had to use a squeegee when it rained or snowed. let me tell ya, it's a sight to see when i come flying sideways around a corner with one arm flailing about the windshield. got some weird looks from people. i definitely recommend the goggles.
  10. GOOD LORD I WANT AN ea82T AND A SEDAN TO PUT IT IN the more i hear about the amazing options and tuning involved with the 82Ts the more i think that i need one.
  11. Into the RED?!?!?!?! You nuts¿ Thats sounds a little extreme to me. Ido know 'bout that.
  12. before you dive in deep and check all that, i'd suggest first looking for water foul. that would explain the symptoms.
  13. same stuff goin on here, but i do have the foul odor. that nasty anti-freeze smell. could this be a sign of things to come or does my car just stink?
  14. if you can't figure it out you could alwas rewire it. Just do some Afro-American engineering.
  15. Where is this write-up? Anybody have it filed away somewhere? thanks guys
  16. i've got it narrowed down tothe fuel pump. got a new one in the mail coming from junkyardgabe. damn thing is just shot i guess. no fuse problems or anything like that.
  17. nope, i'm gonna go over today and tinker with it a bit. going to check timing and spark and fuel delivery. FUSES. thats the biggest one i'm gonna check firs. he said that he checked them, but i'll double check before i dive in over my head. i'll keep everyone informed.
  18. i forgot about all the what if's and could happens. i'm never driving again.
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