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About nzdusty

  • Birthday 07/29/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dunedin, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Sailing, Snowboarding, Surfing, Subarus
  • Occupation
    Undergraduate Student

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Member (2/11)



  1. It idles really high at first, but after I blip the accelerator it drops to just under a 1000rpm. Also if I leave the car idling it forms a puddle of unburnt fuel out the back of the exhaust>? The choke flap thing never gets to be fully vertical, it is always only slightly open? Any ideas?
  2. Hey, I'm getting really really bad fuel mileage from my EA82 hitachi leone. It also has no acceleration, could this be caused by the choke not operating correctly??
  3. Just driving on a 100km trip yesterday and all of a sudden I lost all power to the front wheels?? they dont engage with gears. so i have had to put it into 4wd and just drive with rear wheel drive only (cant be good for the rear dif!!) Any ideas?????
  4. hey, these pics are great. Has anyone else got any other setups? I know lots of people set their air intakes up differently and it would be great to see all the options that are available!!
  5. Hey, I have a 1987 Ea82 carbed wagon, and was wondering if anyone out there has any pictures of air intake systems they have installed on these???
  6. Hey, My EA82 4wd manual wagon's clutch has been slipping quite a lot recently. Mainly in third when I put my foot down on the flat. But in the last couple of weeks the slipping has completely stopped!! Is this normal?? Or does it mean that it is something else other than a worn down clutch? ( I don't want to change the clutch if its really something else!)
  7. Yea that is very strange, every car here has shoulder, or three point seatbelts in the back!
  8. So does the procedure mentioned before work with EA82 engines with hydraulic lifters??
  9. If you want a simple Maori setup I would just use an amp and a rca to headphone jack cable. Just hook the headphone jack into the ipod, and rca's into the amp, and then hook the amp to the speakers. Very simple, yet effective. If you have a good headunit though, it is not to hard to tap into that, most good stereo wire harnesses have spare input wires, just play round finding which one it is and plug and play.
  10. would the spfi snorkel fit straight on though??
  11. Hey, I am thinking of putting a pod filter of some sort on my 87 LG hitachi carbed wagon and was wondering where and how people have done this? Is it best to take the original filter holder off the top of the carb and fabricate a pipe up? or to place it at the end of the original air intake??
  12. I am just about to install an electrical oil pressure gauge in my 87 LG wagon, and was wondering where other people have mounted their gauges?? Any ideas on good areas in the dash??
  13. Yes, they seem to be quite common around these parts especially on cars like ford cortina 2.0L and every other Australian thing in the junkyards. I will have a look and see what how many webers I could get though. I was going to look for a DFV as I thought they would be an easier install than the DGV, especially with the power steering right in front.
  14. Hey, I am planning to have a look round the wreckers soon, and was wondering if someone could tell me how to recognise a WEBER DFV carb?? Does it have markings on it?? Also what type of cars have them?? I've heard that Ford Cosworths do?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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