So I made a 20 mile drive about a week ago, checked oil, radiator fluid because my radiators got a bit of a leak jumped in my car and started driving,by the time I got there my car was steaming so I parked popped my hood and realized I didn't put my radiator cap back on after I checked the level at home. now I know I screwed up you don't have to tell me that, it hadn't been leaking any oil before this, but now there was oil under my engine. once my car cooled I put some more radiator fluid in it and tried to start it... Nothing. Engine cranking but no compression to fire it. Got it towed home. 10 hours later started my car sounded fine. No tell tale signs of a blown head gasket of gunk under the oil cap my timing belt is way off I know I need that tuned so it runs kinda poorly, and the oil only occaisionaly shows up after a 20 minute drive through town. I've put a good amount of time into this car so please don't tell me to scrap it. 261,xxx miles