I have recently acquired a 94 loyale wagon. It has issues starting and running. It had stale gas in it i drained it out as best i could and put about 2 gallons back in it. it has new plugs good spark and 50lbs of fuel pressure but will not start easily at least. The only way i have been able to get it started is if i put a little gas into the throttle body unplug the injector solenoid turn it over for a minute then it will start to fire poorly at wich time i plug the solenoid back in and it will stay running poorly for a short period of time untill it dies. if i leave the injector solenoid plugged in itll turn and turn and it will act like it starts to fire then itll just continue turning over with no fire at all it seems like its flooding itself out but i honestly have no clue any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also it seems to help when you tap on the egr valve when try to start it.