Hello all,
I have a BC5 Legacy which I am currently running a TD05 Turbo on. Recently I picked up a manifold and split fuel rails from a GTB Legacy and am looking at installing it into my car. The fuel rails have the yellow top injectors from the GTB in them. What problems can i expect to run into or will this just be a straight swap and away I go? I'm still learning about all this so any help would be much appreciated thanks.
Further from this, just to pick someones brain, I have been having a issue randomly pop up once every few months where when I turn the key nothing happens. If I walk away for 5mins then try it again it starts first pop. Past this sometimes I have to have my key turned for 3-4seconds before the car turns over/does anything. I'm sure someone must have some insight into this, in the last year I've had a new barrell put in the car and had my coil pack replaced.
Also recently the cars revs will sometimes drop a few hundred then come back up when it is below 2k revs driving along, but is fine if your above 2k. At times it dies when you slow down and stop and soemtimes when driving it will start running rough and sounding terrible. When this happens I will pull over and stop the car, when I go to restart it doesn't sound healthy but with a bit of gas it starts back up and will run fine from then on. I've been told I need to look at replacing my AFM/Knock Sensor and Cam/Crank Sensors but I just thought I'd ask if anyone else has experienced something similar before.