I am doing work on my wagon and think at least my passenger side rear axle will need rebuilding and rebooting or replacement. The inner boot, DOJ, is the one that tore open and has since lost the grease and is compromised. The driver side boot is cracking but not torn open and may just need cleaning, regreasing, and rebooting. I need to learn about this, get a few tools, grease, and joint parts from Subaru (if available) probably to do this.
Some of you guys probably do this regularly (or have done it lots) with ease, and have the tools.
Any of you have 1 or 2 rear axles you could ship to me that:
1) are in good solid condition that have already been rebooted or
2) you would rebuild, reboot, regrease, rehab, as needed.
My goal here is to get two solid good straight axles with good boots on them so that they are good to go for many years to come without more hassles. I have Genuine Subaru boots and clamps that I would sent you first so you could put them on the axles, if or when needed.
I would pay for your time, parts, and shipping. I thought there was someone in Colorado who did this but they stopped. Let me know what you think or If you know someone who does this or would help me out. It doesn't make sense for me to ship the axles back and forth but......maybe that's the way it has to be. I was hoping one of you guys may have some decent spare axles set aside. .....Maybe I should take them into town and have a local shop do this?
What would you do....? Thanks ALL!!