92 Loyale. Recently changed front rotors, pads, and calipers, so it's all new up front. Oddly, I pulled on the e-brake after parking and something broke, allowing the brake handle to rotate up 30 degrees or so. Now it was so slack it wouldn't hold. I adjusted the e-brake between the seats and got it to kinda hold, but the right side is clearly longer than the left. It almost looks like most of the cable wires broke and only a few are left, and they unraveled a little, making it a little longer. Essentially, the cable got about a half inch longer, all of a sudden. I'm just guessing, here.
Is this what must have happened? Anything else come to mind that would cause this?
The normal hydraulically operated brakes are fine. They didn't change at all.
I should mention that the e-brake is on the front axle. The parts houses almost always say it has rear axle e-brake. Dunno why.....