98 Leg. OB,
It just turned over to 200,000mi. and had my 2.5 replaced w/ a 2.2, got 4 new tires and plan to replace exhaust, so I plan to get by on my old "muscle car" for another year or until I can buy a near new one.
The back driver side strut was bad, so I replaced it. The passenger rear and front struts seem ok and don't sag or bounce. Since I got new tires, I plan to get a 4 wheel alignment soon $85.
Q: Should I go ahead and buy a rear passenger side strut and install even if it seems OK? It took me a lot more time than most would take so I cringe at the thought of getting those bolts back into place, busten knuckles, praying I can finish what I started, etc. but will do it if I REALLY SHOULD.
Otherwise, I'll get it aligned and put the $ toward a new exhaust system. This is my 3rd and I really love my OBs, (except for the 2.5 head gaskets and timing belts that kept failing). Hope the 2.2 solves that issue.
Appreciate educated guesses from anyone who's been there done that, or at least sounds convincing.