1994 Legacy Ls non-turbo: Currently have leaky head gaskets, confirmed by exhaust gasses in coolant. Beginning phases of HG failure and no signs of coolant in the oil after 2 very recent changes and constant dip-stick/filler cap checks. But snot in the coolant, esp expansion tank.
Any recommendations for best choice of HG brand and type would be greatly appreciated! For instance, I understand Fel-pro is as good as Subaru OEM. Confirmations of this? And what about MLS versus the normal OEM composite type? I see MLS being standard for turbo engines and in the 2.5 but what about the 2.2?
Lastly, the nice guy I am paying to lead this not-so-much DIY job has suggested that Felpro makes a specific head gasket that's best for such repair jobs that include the task of the heads being resurfaced. But I'm not seeing this called out anywhere in my research.
Thanks for any recommendations you all can offer. I want to get this done rightn using best possible materials (to include new head bolts of course), as the labor alone is obviously expensive.