My wife has a 2010 2.0L diesel TDI (Legacy V) with 189,000km which has always been dealer-serviced. Last service 187,000km in May.
I took it to inspections for her last week and an oil leak was found under the engine, which is coating the steering motor/gear and tie rods.
The cylinder heads are clean, as is the area around the bellhousing and transmission. The leak seems to start at the oil pan gasket . In May, the dealer made no mention of an engine oil leak, so I suppose that the leak started since they did the work.
The engine oil level on the dipstick is 2cm above the "max" reading !! Could this be enough to cause the leak? And would the leak stop again if I drained the oil and replaced the correct amount? Would I need to re-set the computer (for the diesel particle filter) if I did this?
There are no indications of a blown head gasket that would leak coolant into the oil. The oil is not brown/green but the normal black color. No coolant is missing. Would a warning light indicate a head gasket issue?
I assume, now, that it's simply overfilled. Does anyone else have a hypothesis I should test (and how to test it)?
Jeremy (in Switzerland)