I tried for over a week and a half to get some parts from gary's Inc. / Subaru service, 3940 W 13th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402
I spoke with someone there who told me I would get a call back... and again, and again.. and again,
This "Gary" could not take a lousy 5 Minutes to call a cutomer and tell him what he had or did not have, what he could do or not do, not even a quick call to say if he was to busy to do whatever! What a jerk! That is no way to run any business, not a very smart way to make money, and beyond unprofessional, is just plain lazy, disimissive and rude! Any business can take a few seconds to at least touch base with a customer wanting to spend money sometime withing WEEKS. No excuse for this kind of garbage! If you need parts, look somewhere else where they can actually handle at least giving a call back!