Hey everyone. I posted a while ago about my car suddenly losing clutch control and not being able to shift gears. Someone suggested I needed to bleed my clutch lines. I just got back from doing this with my father in law, we removed the slave valve, compressed it with a clamp and successfully managed to bleed/milk the line and get new clutch fluid (DOT3) into the lines etc. However, I still have no ability to put the car in gear. The clutch will depress, but the gear stick simply will not move and 'slot' into gear. I'm not a mechanic by any means and have no idea what to do. The slave cylinder doesn't appear to be broken (we took out the pin and its still intact), there a little 'flap' that the slave cylinder pushes, it seems as though it just needs to be 'pushed' more for the gears to engage, but I'm not sure how to fix that. Any help would be most appreciated!
Attached is a photo of the slave, pushing against the flappy thing (techy term) , does it look alright?