Looking for some help finding a new a new torque wrench. I've done some research on google, but i still have a few questions.
Do split beam or digital torque wrenches tend to stay in calibration longer?
Is likely I will need to torque any bolts counterclockwise doing routine maintenance like timing belts?
Right now I'm leaning towards one of these two torque wrenches. Can you calibrate either of these at the user level?
CDI Torque 2503CF3 Drive Computorq 3 Electronic Torque Wrench, 1/2-Inchhttp://www.amazon.com/Torque-2503CF3-Computorq-Electronic-Wrench/dp/B000I1ZMCW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399126551&sr=8-1&keywords=2503CF3
Precision Instruments (PREC3FR250F) http://www.amazon.com/Precision-Instruments-PREC3FR250F-Torque-Wrench/dp/B002XMSFIM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399127123&sr=8-1&keywords=cdi+split+beam