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Legacy Hi/Lo gearbox shipping costs


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Right the quote is in my hands, it is more expensive than I thought and breaks down as follows


This is for 1m3 or 1000kg, I will address this further down.

This is for shipping to Seattle, so the ship stops in LA and then it goes by seafreight up the coast to Seattle........there is no direct NZ to Seattle shipping


Cartage to Christchurch NZ$80-00

Export Documentation NZ$75.00

Export Entry NZ$15.00

AMS Filing Fee NZ$37.55

Seafreight NZ$383.00

BAF NZ$33.04


sub Total NZ$623.59


Destination charges


Terminal Handling NZ$75.10

Pier Pass NZ$6.01

Chassis NZ$5.00

CFS Recovery Fee NZ$225.29

Forklift Fees NZ$52.57

Fuel Surchage NZ$3.00

Customs Clearance NZ$187.74

Bond Fee NZ$90.12

Importer Security Filing NZ$75.10

Delivery to Seattle 98166 NZ$225.29


sub Total NZ$722.44



Total NZ$1346.03



This is quite a bit more expensive than the previous quote


The previous quote was for shipping to LA and was as follows


Cartage to Christchurch NZ$80-00

Export Documentation NZ$75.00

Export Entry NZ$15.00

AMS Filing Fee NZ$37.55

Seafreight NZ$187.74

BAF NZ$33.04


sub Total NZ$428.34


And the destination charges were approximately US$400 (These charges were corrected today and should have been approx US$450.00)



I am a bit stunned to learn it is cheaper to ship the 1000's of miles from NZ to LA than it is to ship from LA to Seattle.


One thing I keep forgetting to clarify is if the quote includes GST or if it is GST exempt, GST in NZ is 12.5%



Now I have been doing some measuring and a Legacy gearbox at the bell housing is approx 400mm by 400mm by 800mm long so I figure that in 1m3 I could fit about 6 gearboxes......maybe 7, and I think I may be able to get 10 into 1.5m3, if I can't get 10 in I would be able to get at least 8, so the cost per gearbox would have to be recalculated.


So if I was able to get 10 gearboxes into 1.5m3 the freight costs to Seattle would be NZ$2019.05, that would make each gearbox NZ$502.00 (approx US$332) each.

The only cost to add to this would be any costs I incurr for the box to ship them and the cost to transfer the money to me in NZ which wouldn't be very much, but may add another US$10 - US$20 per gearbox,


Considering the cost to purchase anymore gearboxes this is a real bargain as if I had to buy the gearboxes elsewhere the cost would be NZ$650 per gearbox plus the same shipping costs, which would translate to US$563 per gearbox.


Let me know what you think.......Ian

Edited by kiwishooter
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These are the names that have indicated they are interested






cubastreet.............I can supply a EA82 5 speed with Hi/Lo and center diff lock, if this is what you really want


The Scooby

Steve W




Others that have posted but haven't said are






That makes 10 interested and another 4 that posted and may be interested.


So how do I allocate the gearboxes??????.......Ian

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I'm in for 1 gearbox. I'd also like to place dibs on linkage and interior stuff if you are able to find it.


I'm totally cool with it being shipped to The Scooby. I just want to make sure that if he is going to make some money, you should to Ian.


How will payment be processed? Paypal? Cash via carrier pigeon?

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pending better 1/2 approval, I could probably make a cannon-ball run on a weekend. I have an awesome work schedule that let's me take every other friday off.


Rent a van or a small uhaul trailer. Drive and deliver the trannies and fly home or maybe drive back, depending on what I rent.


It will give me a chance to take the newly finished hi-comp OBS and stretch it's legs.


My next days off would be Oct 9th, 23rd, Nov 6th, 20th, Dec 18th.


If I rent a Uhaul 10ft van, it's $958 dollars for the 1 way rental plus fuel,

a small 4X8 trailer is $234.00. I haven't found a place that will do a 1 way cargo van rental.


But sounds like it is going to be a trailer,


What is the weight per transmission?

Per the specs, the towing capacity of the OBS is 1500 lbs. I figure I can get 2-3 trannies inside the rear area and then get the rest onto the trailer.


Will keep this option open as I look into the details.



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rob, i was thinking the same thing........or have a local get it up the coast to another, etc....like a relay....

and at about 100# a tranny, the brat would have a hard time with ten......


i carried about a ton of concrete in mine once.lets just say i am glad it was only a couple of miles......


but it seems that getting them to seattle is not that hard.......i mean , figure the fuel to LA,thats quite a bit......i mean, you would need a truck like mine.....:)



.....so , in the end, let me get this straight.


we are looking at paying about 350US for a gearbox shipped to seattle via LA.....


that is not that bad

not bad at all.......i'm in,providing you can get them here for around that cost.i understand if it is 8 gearboxes instead of 10 it will go up a bit.....cheers, brian

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This sounds like what I would want for an EJ 22 swap into my XT. For $ 350 I'm in. I'm retired and have no travel restrictions so I'm available to make the trip to LA to get them. My preference would be for a full time with a 3.70 ratio and linkage. How, where and when to send $$$?


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Well unless someone can tell me the ratios from the number on the trans then the only way I can verify the ratios is by opening each one up, and that's too much work for no pay.


Both the Legacy Hi/Lo gearboxes I have opened up have had 3.7 diff ratios and 1.46 to 1 low ratio, which was the same as the RX gearbox I got the locking centre diff from.

But I can't guarantee that all gearboxes would have the same diff ratio or the same lo ratio as the ones I opened up.


Just to make it clear


NOT all of the 10 gearboxes have centre diff lock, but they ALL have Hi/Lo ratio. They are all Legacy gearboxes from behind a EJ engine.



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I'm in for 1 gearbox. I'd also like to place dibs on linkage and interior stuff if you are able to find it.


I'm totally cool with it being shipped to The Scooby. I just want to make sure that if he is going to make some money, you should to Ian.


How will payment be processed? Paypal? Cash via carrier pigeon?


What interior bits do you need? I can get at least one gear lever and Hi/Lo ratio lever setup.


For the total amount of money we are talking about for the whole transaction Paypal is possibly an expensive way of transferring the money to me.


When I transfer money to the US anything over 1k I do by bank transfer as the Paypal fees are quite a bit more. It usually costs me approx NZ$110 in bank charges, it accumulates three charges on the way to it's destination bank in the US. But when you do multiple payments totalling US$3500 I would assume the Papal fees would be more than NZ$100, perhaps someone with a Paypal account can work it out.


So possibly the easiest way is for someone in the US to recieve all the money then to transfer it to my account in NZ........Ian

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ok so right now its looking like they will cost about $350 USD to get shipped to seattle, then it will be about another $200 or so to ship form here in seattle to most places in the 48 states.


im still in and still willing to recieve. im only wanted a few bucks for my time to put them on the pallet and shipped. i was only looking to maybe make $20 per just for my time and price for the pallets.




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Ok guys, I went through and cleaned up the questions. Lets try and keep this on track. Please ask technical questions in the thread I set up. This thread is purely for the logistics of this deal.


$350 for a EJ D/R shipped to Seattle is great. I'm on board with Shean at Aaron's Auto Wrecking to be the point man for receiving the major shipment from Ian the Kiwi.


But, we need to have the entire deal out in the open, and everyone involved in agreement before we proceed.


A summary of what has been said for the deal:

In essence, Shean at Aaron's Auto Wrecking will act as Escrow. Money for transmissions will be sent to him.


Ian will ship transmissions to Shean, who will then have the ability to ship within the US for those interested, or the transmissions will be available for local pickup.


Shean will wire money to Ian's trusted friend who is more familiar with international bank transfers.


In my eyes, the only term left to decide is when Shean sends the money to Ian's friend. Does this happen before the transmissions get shipped to the US, or after Shean recieves them.


Wiring the money is definitely the preferred method of money transfer, I merely threw out paypal, and carrier pigeon to get the discussion going.


Personally, I would like the gear lever setup, and if possible the interior trim piece.

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Ok guys, I went through and cleaned up the questions. Lets try and keep this on track. Please ask technical questions in the thread I set up. This thread is purely for the logistics of this deal.


$350 for a EJ D/R shipped to Seattle is great. I'm on board with Shean at Aaron's Auto Wrecking to be the point man for receiving the major shipment from Ian the Kiwi.


But, we need to have the entire deal out in the open, and everyone involved in agreement before we proceed.


A summary of what has been said for the deal:

In essence, Shean at Aaron's Auto Wrecking will act as Escrow. Money for transmissions will be sent to him.


Ian will ship transmissions to Shean, who will then have the ability to ship within the US for those interested, or the transmissions will be available for local pickup.


Shean will wire money to Ian's trusted friend who is more familiar with international bank transfers.


In my eyes, the only term left to decide is when Shean sends the money to Ian's friend. Does this happen before the transmissions get shipped to the US, or after Shean recieves them..


I would need the money prior to shipping otherwise I am going to have to bankroll the full amount prior to recieving any funds, which would mean I would have to add a profit factor to the price due to the time factor of me paying for everything and then getting the money back.

Since I haven't got an International account with the freight company I have to pay the freight cost prior to pickup.


Cheers Ian

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A time-line is necessary in a transaction like this, sorry I didn't see this thread before the other. I know this is an exaggeration but no one wants to pay for a transmission and receive it in 2015.....2012? 2011? 2010? December, November? Folks need some kind of general guidelines to work with.


Transmissions paid for by ?

Shipping paid for by ?

Transmissions acquired and pictures sent

Transmissions boxed and shipped by ?

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$350 for getting them to the US. Sounds like reasonable amount.


Does the shipping from seattle to wherever need to be paid as the same time?




as stated the cost for the transmission needs to be paid before everything is sent.


once i recieve them i can then break down the pallet from AU then strap each other tranny to its own pallet. i can get a quote to who ever is interested prior to sending the funds to buy the transmission. i know the weight i just need to have your addy.

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