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Please help. No spark.

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I have an ea81 engine I put in my car. I hooked up the distributor exacly like my brother's running car. I have power to the coil in the run and start positions. The black wire from the dist. goes to the neg. side of the coil the yellow to the pos. I checked with two coils and three coil wires. I cannot get any spark. The distributor is supposedly newly rebuilt. Does anyone have any suggestions? If part of my distributor is bad, where can I find an innexpensive replacemnt part?


When I got the engine, it had no distributor in it. I put it in and the static timing looks close. Would having it off a little make no spark? Even if it were way off, It should still spark even if at the wrong time right?

Edited by spikedbeetle
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I have an ea81 engine .....The black wire from the dist. goes to the neg. side of the coil the yellow to the pos. .....


Yellow wires are NEG., black wires go to POS. as identified on the Coil. (per looking at my EA-81 in 84 Brat and NoahDL88)

Edited by Indrid cold
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