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Putting drive train from 2wd in a 4wd


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I may be asking an old question . I am a new poster. I have an 82 wagon 2 wheel drive . I want to put that engine and clutch and transmission in an 86 gl 4wheel drive . It is 15 degrees below zero now and the 82 is frozen into the ground. Does it have a univerasal on the rear of the transmission?



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Other than the loss of power, lack of 4WD and having to modify the cross member it'll work.


The motor in your '82 will go into the '86. As a matter of fact there are a couple of people who have done this. Why do you want to change the trans? By taking the trans from your '82 you will no longer have 4WD. You can keep the original trans in the '86. All you have to do is swap the flywheel from the '86 to the '82. Keep the clutch components with the appropriate flywheel. You will also have to do a small amount of grinding to the EA81 bellhousing to accomodate the flywheel from the EA82.


BTW, our search function works well. It may help you find valuable info that has been discussed in the past.


I searched for "EA81 to EA82 swap"

Here are the results; search results


And this one is more specific. A topic found in the results.


Swap info

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