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EA81 4" Lift Issues


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OK for those of you with power steering how the heck do i make the almost 90 degree connection on the steering.... and also i have a lot of camber in the front now.... what causes this i put it in the way it was suppose to but i have A LOT of camber..... and my DD is down till i find out a way to connect the steering i know someone knows!!!! this is a SJR lift aluminum strut extensions and aluminum diff drop plate with box steel spacers

Edited by ()__1337_CRAYOLA__()>
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many people put the strut blocks on the wrong sides... remember that they have to bring the strut in a little, not out...


not sure about the steering extension... thought you could just lengthen the connector... maybe stick an extra universal joint in there?

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the 4 inch steering extension is easily modified by cutting the steering linkage in half, and adding 4 inches of extension material, be it tubing,or rod.


it will be tight, and will look like it won't work.but it will, and you may have to "clearance" the u-joints a little.

cheers, brian

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Have you had your steering shaft extended? I installed mine yesterday but I

don't have the total length. I knew I should have measured that before I hooked it up.. I could measure it, if you need it. I don't have power steering and have one joint in the steering shaft after it exits the firewall.


I'm not familiar with any differences you may have with a power steering setup..

btw- this is my first lift to install so my experience is very limited. :-\



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i finally figured out the steering.... the power steering is a completely different beast compared to the manual rack on my brat i ended up having to take a inch off the steering shaft and taking 2 rubber couplings to connect a shaft in-between to make my steering work without binding.... all is well i figured everything out thanks everyone

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yes.....it is,,,,that will break under stresses that would make your mom squint.(if she is anything like my mom, it does not take much to squint)......



cheers, brian


i am telling you,just extending your shaft and clearancing your ujoints would work.it has been proven many a time.power steering or not......

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is it really that bad....




I tried something similar to this one time when I was a kid. . . It broke after a few hundred miles while I was making a left turn at an intersection. I had just been racing down the cliffs along the ocean on hwy 1 in SoCal before it broke too. Made me realize that steering is kinda important and not worth taking any chances. Trust me when I say this WILL break!

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