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Just wondering my tranny doesn't seem like it is grabbing initially . Planning a tranny swap but was wondering. I put like 5L of tranny fluid last time I did a oil change. Actually maybe more. Is that to much? I couldn't remember even checking the dipstick now that I think about it. What do you guys think? Its a 94 legacy turbo btw. Thanks!


Kind of wanted to save the tranny if I could and just replace the rear housing and clutches since it would be alot cheaper then replacing the whole tranny, but what has to be done has to be done!

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Check the fluid level. How much you needed to put in can vary on how much got drained out. A normal drain and fill takes about 3.9 quarts. Your 5 liters (about 5.3 quarts) is quite a bit of fluid.





The A/T dip stick is calibrated in that the low to high hash mark is a pint. Sounds like you need to drain a little more than a quart to reduce over fill. Check AT level with engine running, trany in Park, engine warmed up to operating temp, and car on level pavement.

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Changed the fluid! Tranny is definitely quiet again and has nice shifts. Yet if I floor it rolling at above 60 km/h will rev to almost 6k then start to grab. Sometimes won't do it. Regardless will drive for a week. If problems are still there going to swap the whole tranny with a good one.

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Changed the fluid! Tranny is definitely quiet again and has nice shifts. Yet if I floor it rolling at above 60 km/h will rev to almost 6k then start to grab. Sometimes won't do it. Regardless will drive for a week. If problems are still there going to swap the whole tranny with a good one.


I bet if you babied the trany, it will still last you for a good long time.

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