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What is the secret to getting the inner tie rod boot on the rack lip?

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So what is the secret to getting the inner tie rod boot on the rack lip? I remember last time I replaced the front left inner tie rod end on '00obw, it was a major pain to get the boot to go on the lip on the rack. I had to tug and tug and horse around with it for a good while before it finally just popped into place.


Having same problem this time on '96 Legacy. It starts going on but I can't quite get it to go on all the way around.

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I have a bent ended pair of long nosed pliers, I use them between the boot and rack and slide them around a bit like a tyre tool. Because they are bent they can reach up over the top as well as the bottom.


Perhaps you could make a special tool out of a small round rod. About 1/8 bright steel would be good. Bend the end two inches about thirty degrees(that's the used end), bent the other end inot a "U", for a handle, taper the tool end a bit and round the point so it wont dig in and you will be away.

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Yes! It is that top part. I can get it on just about all the way around but that top end is very little clearance clarence. I have tried only 37 times up to now, so I am glad to hear that within 10 more tries it should go on! I thought about maybe trying to heat the boot up a little bit to make it more flexible not sure.


I am using long pliers to kind of pull it onto the lip since you really can't get fingers into all the cranies in there. It is kind of rough on the boot but it's the best I can do.


I remember this being a problem the last time and then finally when I just thought there was no possible chance it would go it popped on there so I will have to keep at it.


Hm silicone spray, I could try it. I did grease all the areas ahead of time.

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I have a bent ended pair of long nosed pliers, I use them between the boot and rack and slide them around a bit like a tyre tool. Because they are bent they can reach up over the top as well as the bottom.


Perhaps you could make a special tool out of a small round rod. About 1/8 bright steel would be good. Bend the end two inches about thirty degrees(that's the used end), bent the other end inot a "U", for a handle, taper the tool end a bit and round the point so it wont dig in and you will be away.


Thanks for the idea, I was trying to figure out something like that that might work without ripping the boot.....Hm..I wonder if a stiff coat hanger with the end bent over so it isn't sharp would be of any use. I have been trying some longish pliers with a bent over end just still couldn't quite get that top part to slip on.

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haha I also noticed the Subaru service manual shows removing the entire rack to replace the inner tie rod ends.....maybe this is why!


That's because they only have two flats on the OEM rod ends and they don't always line up in a way that a wrench will go on them. You're also supposed to punch the outer tabs on the lock washer back out before you loosen the rod. Can't really do that with it on the car because you can generally only get to one side. Luckily the washers are cheap, and the inner tabs shear off easily if you give the rod end a good turn with a pair of channel locks. :grin:

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i exaggerated, it doesn't really take that many tried, you should be able to get it. sounds like you're having a particularly good run here.


i'm almost wondering if you have too much grease or something all over the boot/lip of the rack? that might make it slip off too easily once you get it in place?


hold it extra tight, get what you can over the lip...then rotate the part that's you can get on into the area you can't reach...then holding each side you can reach work your way around while maintaining the position of the installed top part. again, tight and steady grip and it'll eventually go. keep trying and tweaking in slightly different ways.

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Woohoo it's on! Thanks for all the help guys. I was trying this evening with two long reach pliers to yank it on there. It kept almost going but not quite.


The I used some silicone spray as nipper suggested on there though I didn't think it would make any difference. Bingo, sschlooaapop is the sound it made as the very next try it popped right on all the way around. Something about that silicone spray just reallyy helps.

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