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Year end standings are out for 2009


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Year-end standing (preliminary) for the ORG rallycross series:



Congrats to eurowrx for his 1st in M4 class and cdwdfw for his 3rd in PA. I managed a 5th in PA. Sorry if I didn't mention anyone else, I've got to study the results more closely.

Edited by edrach
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the mention. I did not make the last 2 events because

of a new job. I also want to sell the car . I put too much into it

to get out without loosing a lot of $ but that is racing. For those

who don't know the car, it is a 95 Imprezza RS with a JDM STI

drive train and a new 2.5 block. It has a fully adjustable diff

and MANY options . It is quick and reliable (no dnf's) and still

streetable. Best offer. porschenein59@gorge.net

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Thanks for the mention. I did not make the last 2 events because

of a new job. I also want to sell the car . I put too much into it

to get out without loosing a lot of $ but that is racing. For those

who don't know the car, it is a 95 Imprezza RS with a JDM STI

drive train and a new 2.5 block. It has a fully adjustable diff

and MANY options . It is quick and reliable (no dnf's) and still

streetable. Best offer. porschenein59@gorge.net

I've seen the car run and it's a screamer. Best off the line launch I've seen. This would be a great deal for someone. I'd love to buy this but just don't have the bread.
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