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Hi Folks ,

My bubby is looking to buy a 2002 Legacy wagon , auto , AWD . Don't know the mileage .


What should he be looking at as far as potential problems are concerned ?


We know about the dreaded torque bind and the oil leaks . We are going to look at it this comming week . Is there anything special we should focus on ?


Thanks. :)

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my 2001 had one head gasket replaced at 70,000 so that is not out of the question. If it's the original owner (or he's owned it a few years), receipts showing any work done is very helpful.

Yes look for leaks...bring a flash lite...and ramps if you can so that you can really get under it

listen to the engine

look for any bubbling in the anti-freeze overflow tank or black gunk in it (head gasket issue--but this newer model did not usually have the oil/gunk issue...mostly anti-freeze leaks that were external

listen to and look at exhaust system....sooo expensive

make sure the check engine lite comes on when you turn on the key...and then goes off after you start....same with the air bag and ABS lites

If not...then someone took the bulbs out to hide a problem

Do tight circles left and right and listen for any clicking (CV joints)

check transmission fluid for color and smell

look for torn inner and outer CV boot rips

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2.5 4 cylinder or 3.0 6 cylinder?


4 cylinders have head gasket issues. 2000-2002 have an extended 100,000 mile subaru head gasket warranty. i consider it a plus if the head gaskets have already been replaced.


torque bind.


that's about it other than basic maintenance/car stuff - brakes, axles, tune up stuff, etc.


timing belt is a 100,000 mile item and needs to be done - interference engine = bad mojo for internal engine stuff if the belt brakes. on a 100k interval engine i like to replace all the pulleys too. look for documentation or plan on replacing it after you buy it. dealer charges $699 to replace belt only.

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Everything people are saying about head gaskets is correct. I have a 99 and my wife has a 2000. We have done head gaskets on both at around 230000Kms. If you have the opportunity to have it inspected at a garage have them check the wheel bearings. I have had to three on mine and two one my wifes. At $500.00 at the dealership they are not cheap fixes. The rear bearings on the one you are looking at are a hub assembly and can be replaced fairly easily if you are comfortable working on the car yourself. My car is sitting at 370000 right now and is used as a daily driver for a 150 km round trip commute. These are great cars, but like anything else it all depends on how well it has been maintained and what you are prepared to spend on likely repair costs given the mileage. Good luck, hope it works out for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well , we finally got to see the Legacy , it is a 2001 not 2002, looks great , checked for all the issues that people mentioned. All good . Here is what we found.


Peeling clear coat. Maroon . Non issue for my buddy.

Needs tires for winter.

A/C doesn't work , but a/c light on dash does .


Thats about it. Felt low mileage ,has 220,000 kms , my guess driven on the highway mostly..


So how do I check to see if the compressor will click on ? That's my big concern for this car at the moment . The auto trans worked good , no hesitation on going in R or D .

thanks for the help :)

Edited by imprezaII
forgot trans
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