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wrecked legacy / outback parts fit?

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my girlfriends mom has a 96 legacy ls. she hit a deer last night. it looks like the hood/grill took most of the impact. the airbags didn't pop and the front bumper looks ok. it was dark out so i could see it real good but it looks like it pushed the radiator and fans into the front of the engine. it was not leaking coolant and was drivable. i should be able to post pics by tomorrow morning. let my know if you guys think it's worth fixing. it is a very nice car no rust and if it is fixable i think it would be worth doing.


she likes the hoods off the outbacks with the scoop. would a 96-99 hood bolt on without any mods. would any other parts fit like grill, fenders, bumper. i am asking because the local junkyard did have an outback with good parts.

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Yes outback or GT parts will fit. I had the exact same thing happen to the same car. It wasn't that bad to fix, actually didnt' take all that long and I hate body work.


I actually had it "back on the road" in no time, only took two hours maybe. At that time I just pulled everything (using a come along/another vehicle) and left the bent hood/fender in place so I could keep driving it. Got it all roughly lined up (pics in the thread below) Then I went back and replaced the hood/fenders later. I actually just started a thread today about finishing this, finally getting to painting it.


I have a thread about my deer/legacy collission here:



I posted a before pic. about 70 mph hit on the interstate...maybe I slowed down to 60/65 but i doubt it, I tried to clip the deer as much as I could because I had cars beside and behind me so I didn't hit the brakes much at all.


Which reminds me I never posted the after repair pic's, I used a Legacy GT hood with the scoop. I need to post an after pic.


I might have a fender (depending what side you need) and bumper for you.


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It didn't take long at all to get from that picture above to this one here, which is head light replaced and everything pulled roughly back where it needs to be to be drivable. This didn't take long at all, definitely worth getting back on the road at least.


Looks terribly dirty in the picture and might not look appealing I should have washed it first. I drove it like this (after I cleaned it) until i had time/parts/recommendations to finish it.


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most of the impact was in the center of the hood and grill area. it was dark out so i can't say for sure what damage was done to the fenders and bumper. but the hood latch area was definitly pushed back. headlights were still in one piece but pushed inward. i could see the front of the engine and the fans were against the motor. the grill is laying down behind the bumper in front of the radiator.


the good news is they went back and got the deer. it was a 7 point buck. and they will be eating him for dinner.


but i will definitly post pics tonight or tomorrow morning.

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the local subaru place has a car just like this one and we are getting all the parts we should need including cutting out and replacing core support. with the exception of the radiator. still need to find a good used one, trying to keep the cost down as low as possable.


a friend of mine is good at fixing things, he's sure he can get it looking good again.

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OH MAN, jack pot! that's an easy fix. that one looks 10x worse than it is. i could have that on the road in an hour easily if the latch mechanism isn't hosed - pull front, install hood, done.


the corner shots are much harder to get lined up, have to remove headlights and pull stuff from behind there.


this being dead center is going to be really easy.


i wouldn't bother replacing the radiator supports unless absolutely necessary. they're super flimsy and weak, they don't add any rigidity to the car, so they will bend right back in place again. actually your lower one won't need replaced - of that i'm 100% sure, those are much beefier too. the upper one is going to be mangled but they're so weak that i wouldn't replace it unless needed.


if you were close by you could have the supports off of my Legacy GT. i just don't have the time to cut them out, too many other subaru parts/work promised to others right now.


i'm pretty sure grills can be a little different across models. can't remember specifics but i recall the Legacy GT grill not fitting my Legacy LSi...can't remember why, if it was just needs somethign else or wouldnt' fit at all, i can't recall. but i installed the GT hood but the GT grill i didnt'......well, maybe i just didn't install it because im' not done with it yet? okay - so you might want to check on the grill.

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parts that need replaced that i know of are,


headlights, grill, hood, radiator and ac condenser, fans, fender, charcoal canister


the hood latch is pushed back pretty far. a freind of mine looked at it and did get the hood open after jumping on it. he's the one that sugested it would be better to replace the core support. i know for a fact he has all the tools needed for the job but i'll say somthing to him and see if we can just bend this one back. it would save some money not having to get another one.


the local subaru place said they have a parts car and it might even be the same color. if you were closer i would get the parts from you. that gt hood would look good on this car.

if theirs any parts we can't find i'll let you know.

Edited by pamike
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if you were closer i would get the parts from you. that gt hood would look good on this car.
sorry to insinuate that, i already pilfered that GT hood for my wrecked legacy. i was referring to other odds and ends - core supports, latch, etc. you'll have no problem finding one locally to get everything from no doubt.
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angle iron steel or flat steel with hole in the end for a bolt to go thru into radiator support, on the other end, hook the come along. Find a solid structure, another car, etc, and slightly pull the radiator support out to line up to the replacement hood. Use the pre drilled holes in the rad support for the radiator brackets, etc to pull from.

easy, cake, I have done this on my brothers deer hit outback. do a little at a time from each hole, a good hammer to wack it will relax the metal and help it come back out

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