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hyrdaulic or pushrod?


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Im going to just clarify this a bit. Both the hydraulic and solid lifter motors are pushrod motors. The difference is the lifters themselves. Therefore i dont think there was ever a Hydro EA71. I think they only did that with the EA81s but i could be mistaken. The EA81s with hydro lifters will have a sticker on the valvecover that says "do not adjust valve clearance".

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I believe the later wide case EA71's were also hydraulic. At least the '85 and later. But, yes, they are all the EA71 and EA81 motors were pushrod motors.


For some reason i brainfarted that the EA71 was continued on at the same time as the EA81s (probably cause i have never seen one other than in a junkyard once). Any EA71 wide case motor from 85 on should be a hydro motor then.

Edited by hatchsub
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Cool. Thanks guys.


And the pro's and con's?


Pros: No adjusting of valves


Cons: Valves will "float" at the higher rpms to some extent


I also dont think you can use a hydro motor because i think you have a top mounted starter and not a sidemounted one. To use a hydro motor you would have to swap transmissions too.

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I'm not 100% on this, but I beleive the bell-housing's can be swapped between some of the later EA71's with side-starter's and the early one's with top-starters.


So, in theory, you could put the top-mount starter bell-housing on the later hydro lifter engine and have a compatible setup.


And before someone asks - no, you can't do this with an EA81. The top-mount starter bell-housing won't fit the EA81.



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