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EA82 EGR Temp Sensor

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I have a 92 loyale with 4wd. My check engine lite just came on with a 55 code,EGR temp sensor or circuit. Can anyone tell me where it is? I've located the two temp sensors on the intake. Neither one is bad. Egr works when I rev it up. Help. Thanks

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You sure it's 5 long and 5 short flashes that you are seeing?


EGR temp sensor's were only included on CA models. I've never seen one but if it's there it's got to be either in the EGR tube from the passenger side head or on the manifold very near to the EGR valve.


I beleive there may be a way to ground or not ground a pin on the ECU and tell the car it doesn't have the sensor.... being a CA only device IIRC the ECU's are capable of running either way.



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Im positive mine is 5 long and short. I have looked to try and find a pic or anything about the sensor, but cant, so that's why i replaced the valve, and the 2 sensor like things on the intake passenger side. (front) I hate this problem with my car. I want to solve it from the mechanical standpoint but looks like it might be an electrical gremlin that i will have to pay a shop to do. :mad:

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It's as simple as electrical gets - it's a resistive circuit. Probably two wires. If you take a look at the SPFI section of the service manual over at my SPFI conversion document, you will be able to find out which pin is responsible for telling the ECU if it has the EGR temp function or not. Then it's just a matter of grounding or not grounding that pin.



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OK I understand we can cheat the system, it is electrical. The question I had is where does it mount. I ask this because I can not find it. This is important because what if it's a notice to service the engine. I see you have a 85 BRAT. I also and my EGR alarm is driving me crazy. I have no O2 sensor or ECU and the EGR is working. I contacted a subaru master in NC and he told me that subaru wired the cars up to get people to take them to repair shops. Is there a reset button on the loyales ECU? I'll be looking at mine. If you have a ECU in your BRAT you most likely will not be able to help my BRAT problem. He said the BRAT will have 3 wires grouped above the fuse housing. Unplug one and plug in the other resits the EGR or so I'm told. I'm still looking.

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  szybura said:
OK I understand we can cheat the system, it is electrical. The question I had is where does it mount. I ask this because I can not find it. This is important because what if it's a notice to service the engine.


It's not a notice of service. It's telling you there is a problem with the EGR temp sensor or circuit. Being that the EGR is working we can assume that the temp sensor or the wiring to it is damaged or carbon has blocked up the EGR passage. The SPFI has no "service notification" functions whatsoever. It will tell you if there is a problem within it's limited capability to self-diagnose. Beyond that you are on your own for service.


  szybura said:
I see you have a 85 BRAT. I also and my EGR alarm is driving me crazy. I have no O2 sensor or ECU and the EGR is working. I contacted a subaru master in NC and he told me that subaru wired the cars up to get people to take them to repair shops. Is there a reset button on the loyales ECU? I'll be looking at mine. If you have a ECU in your BRAT you most likely will not be able to help my BRAT problem. He said the BRAT will have 3 wires grouped above the fuse housing. Unplug one and plug in the other resits the EGR or so I'm told. I'm still looking.


Your Brat is an EA81 with a carb. That's a completely different animal than a Loyale and the ECS light comes on every 60k miles to indicate that the EGR should be checked for proper operation. I don't know how much of a gimick this was "to get people to bring them in" or if it was some kind of mandate through the government. At any rate your Subaru "master" is correct - the three connectors will be around the steering column area two blue's and a green or two greens and a blue IIRC. Unplug the set that's connected and plug in whichever one fits the vacant plug. That will reset the light for another 60k.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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