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exploring around Mt. Hood 11/15/2009


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Went up exploring around Mt. Hood today.

Original plan was to take Still Creek Rd. from Rhododendron, Oregon to Trillium Lake but found the gate closed, they just closed it on tuesday the 10.

So we went to Barlow Pass Rd. went pass the snow park parking area about a mile in till we got stuck, got out of that and continued on Hwy 35 looking for places to explore. Bennet Pass was Closed off for the snow park. So went farther down towards Hood River found a few roads to explore a few miles down. Then desided to go back over Mt. Hood towards home and go up Lolo Pass to see how far we could make it, made it all the way up but desided not to go down the other side because it was getting late starting to get dark.

I wish we would have went and checked out Lolo Pass after we found Still Creek Rd. closed and headed down the otherside from the summit out towards Hood River and then back up over Mt.Hood, that would have been a much more full filling day of Exploring to me.


Had a full day of exploring around Mt. Hood, weather was ok mostly raining but no snow fall.


Still Creek Rd. Gate



Barlow Pass Rd. just before we got stuck turning around



Playing on a mound just off of Hwy 35



Northeast Side of Mt. Hood, if it wasn't covered in clouds



Summit of Lolo Pass



Looking down from Lolo Pass towards Sandy River and Hwy 26



Looking up at where the summit of Lolo Pass is in the clouds



an unimproved road we took just before heading home which eventually went to a deadend


Edited by chazmataz
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Looks like a great time, Ive been wanting to hit up Lolo lately, but my wagon got totaled last Friday night:mad: someone pulled out in front of me on Orient. Oh well, guess its time to lift an impreza:)


Did you try airing down at all?


Oh Man, that sucks!


yes we did just before we got it unstuck but the reason it got stuck turning around is because the rearend drop into the ditch. we shoveled all the snow out from under it and in front of the tires down to the road but the rear tires we're just past that in the ditch and the front didn't have any weight on it to help out. so my buddy started pushing down on the front to get it to bite and she popped right out. which is good i really didn't want break out the come along and straps.


im sure its going to be alot harder to get up to the summit of lolo pass real soon since the last time i looked at the weather they we're calling for more snow but i don't remember how low its suppose to go down to.

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Yep...damage report here.




Yeah, i know those hidden ditches man. Hi-lift and a couple logs does the trick...most times. Ive been stuck in the snow more than a few times and the hi-lift is the one thing thats always saved me time, and effort.


if Lolo gets too bad theres a road just across 26 thats a little bit lower that goes for a while up to a dead end that has a pretty neat little crawling section up a couple mounds and across a couple road closing ditches then the road dead ends again like 1/2 mile

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