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Ok I looked in past posts & found something about a car that was bogging down, but he had a K&N filter. I don't...and my car sputters when I go to take off from a stop light. It's like a little delay. I also notice the tach jumps 3-400 rpms ocassionally, and my speed did not change. It is acting fishy! Put some gas treatment in it last week & it has been a bit better, but is there something I need to check. Could it be O2 sensor, MAF, anything I should be concerned with? I would rather stay on top & prevent costly repairs. Thanks for the help.

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A couple of months ago I posted about my '98 OBW bogging under attempted brisk acceleration. That was during the first cold weather of the season and the problem has since cured itself. I suspect it was the ECU acclimating itself to the colder, more oxygen dense air.


If I were you, I would check: (1) your spark plug wires for signs of wear; (2) terminals on the coil pack for corrosion; (3) air filter to see if it's dirty (even a little); and (4) replace the fuel filter if it hasn't been replaced w/i about 15,000 mi.


Those are the cheap and easy things to start with and to rule out.

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Is your car automatic?


I have a 97 OB. I've suffered this issue a couple of times. The problem... carbon. These things run rich. It took a MotorVac treatment to cure mine. Since then, an occasional tank of premium or some good gas cleaner seems to keep it in check.


Recently, it came back and I couldn't 'cure' it. I had the O2 sensor changed. It took a while, but the car is back to it's non-sputtering (hesitating) self.


All the things Chip mention could also be the problem. But I thought I'd share the one that most people don't think of (and should NOT expect) in this day of fuel injection and computer controlled engines.



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It doesn't seem to do it too bad when I am going down the highway. However if I have to climb a small hill it seems almost like it can't decide what gear to be in, but it's the motor, not the tranny. I guess we will try to change the O2 & check wear on spark plug wires. Plugs were changed this fall. We bought a fuel filter & need to try that too.

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