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Throttle position sensor

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Thanks to this forum for all the great help. The overhaul of the E82 went great. Have a question of the TPS. Often, when I am driving down the road and come to a stop sign, the rpm's do not drop below about 2200. If I shut off the car and then start right back up, the idle is where it should be, around 1000 or so. Is this a TPS issue or a throttle body issue? Should I run some cleaner through the air system? I already took off and cleaned the clean air intake (the small attachment on the front of the throttle body.


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Did you tamper with the idle stop screw on the throttle body? If you did that may be your problem. You will need to check the idle switch portion of the TPS, to verify/disprove your theory. A faulty coolant sensor or fault in its cuircuit, will cause high idle issues. Ohm it out and check the specs. A stcky IACV (idle air control valve) is another posibility, you might consider cleaning it, regaurdless. I have included GD's link to the factory service manual part you will need. Just incase you dont have it. http://home.comcast.net/~trilinear/SubaruEA82-ServiceManualPart2.zip

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