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High idle stuck / difficulty with hot starts.

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'87 dl 4x4 carbed


The choke seems to be operating properly but it's got some weird syptoms.

often the high idle sticks so it idles much too high/accelates continually.

If it does low idle (rarely..) if I hit the brakes really hard it begins to idle really fast (not associated with letting off gas but rather stopping quickly)


Not sure but possibly related it often won't start hot.. wait about 5-10 minutes and she starts up first crank. sometimes she'll start up first crank hot too... :(


as I understand it there is no CTS in a carbed car, right??


thanks for any suggestions, I really want to start driving this car!

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I think the high idle problem sounds like a vacuum leak, possibly a perforated brake booster diaphram. Check it out with a vacuum gauge. It will be somewhere below the throttle blades and wont be a major leak.


What do you mean by "it wont start hot" this is a very broad statement.

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I think the high idle problem sounds like a vacuum leak, possibly a perforated brake booster diaphram. Check it out with a vacuum gauge. It will be somewhere below the throttle blades and wont be a major leak.


What do you mean by "it wont start hot" this is a very broad statement.


I don't think it's a vacuum leak. It goes into low idle sometimes and switches back and forth when you rev slowly let off and then quickly punch to return to normal idle... problem is it hardly even goes back to normal idle and easily starts to high idle.. interesting point about the brake booster.


it wont start hot as in once engine is at operating temp and I turn off the car it won't start for 10 minutes no matter what. no gas/full gas/pumping/etc. other times 1st crank.


Interesting point about the secondaries I'll look into that.

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Also, check and make sure that the secondaries are not hanging open. Have found linkages in the past that were sticking and not allowing the plate to close properly. Causing the idle circuit to malfunction.


This sounds like good advice to me. Check the linkages are not sticking. Also check that the throttle is returning fully. Maybe the return spring is a little tired or the cable is too tight.


If the choke is not fully opening when warm, this could be your 'hot start' problem. Is it an automatic choke?

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This sounds like good advice to me. Check the linkages are not sticking. Also check that the throttle is returning fully. Maybe the return spring is a little tired or the cable is too tight.


If the choke is not fully opening when warm, this could be your 'hot start' problem. Is it an automatic choke?


Choke is fine. The linkages seem to move pretty freely but the return spring is VERY tired and I think that may be my entire problem. Where do I get a new one? should i just get something similar @ an auto parts store?

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Got a set of "throttle return springs" at CQ for 6$. there was like 5. used the smallest one. The gas pedal is less spongy and it seems a little bit better..

However, it will still high idle too easily.. I think it's because the engine can't reach operating temp @ idle since my fan was hardwired by PO. the choke doesn't open quite 100% and I can't get it to normal idle unless I pull the choke open all the way and lightly punch the throttle.


On the bright, it's improved and the hot start issue was just excessive flooding because the throttle was so open... Got my winter tires on her and think I'll drive her around the next couple days and report back!

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Hmmh.... still being frustrating.


Have temporarily solved problem by using a little block to hold the choke 100% open once car is warm. Obvious this is a P.I.T.A. to insert/remove all the time. But it won't kick into high idle with the choke fully open. The linkage between the throttle/choke is very loose... just jiggling that affects idle. I am thinking about a manual choke conversion (*that operates from inside the car:grin:*)


I also adjusted the mixture MUCH leaner. was way too rich. The car still backfires some and the exhaust flow seems very irregular. I know a piece in the muffler is broken (rattles around) but was wondering if I might have a clogged cat as well?? easy way to tell? Thinking about getting a glasspack and maybe 2" pipe from the cat back for now..



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