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2.2 L swap on a 98 Forester AT?

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I have read the 2.2 swap threads and wonder if anyone has swapped in a 2.2 into a 98 forester? I just bought it with a seized motor and found a 95 2.2 L w/EGR and wonder if it will swap in? I know in 99 the Foresters got the SOHC Phase 2 2.5L and the 8 bolt pattern trans but in 98 I can't remember if it's still the 4 bolt pattern on those cars. I imagine so since 98 had the DOHC 2.5.


Anyone know? Thanks!!!


I wonder if it would feel underpowered since the Foresters seem to be geared higher than the OB's...

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Should bolt right in. Double check the starter mounts, some have the stud on the transmission others have the bolt that goes into the engine.


If you are missing the stud and the 95 will not have the engine threads, you can heli-coil the trans case. I've done this in the past.


Good power, I've been happy with all of the 2.5 to 2.2 swaps I've done.

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Should bolt right in. Double check the starter mounts, some have the stud on the transmission others have the bolt that goes into the engine.


If you are missing the stud and the 95 will not have the engine threads, you can heli-coil the trans case. I've done this in the past.


Good power, I've been happy with all of the 2.5 to 2.2 swaps I've done.


Not an issue. 98 forester still has the 4 bolts engine to trans.


95 2.2 goes right into a 98 forester.

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