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Has anyone ever tried calling 800-SUBARU-3? I am just amazed at how rude and combative they were from the start of the conversation.


I mean, the rep nearly cursed at me in the first sentence when I provided my VIN and didn't start at the 10'th digit. When I read him the line off the dealer receipt that said "stop leak added" the rep freaked out and demanded I call it conditioner and went on and on about how wrong I was for calling it stop leak. He went on to tell me I was lucky that they'd cover any of my blown headgasket bill with a tone to go screw myself. I didn't even know how to reply. It was like talking to a girlfriend during a bad breakup. Was this just a random bad rep who had a bad day or is this typical?

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I'd write up that conversation as accurately as your memory will recall and then forward it upstairs past that goombah. Specifically address his attitude, his choice of language and how "un helpful" he was.


Regardless of the how your issue gets settled, you can still get the satisfaction of getting his a** in a jam.

Not another phone call to just gripe about him... write/type it up and mail (snail mail with an envelope and a stamp). Personalized communication like that generally gets a strong response.

Again, it may or may not do anything about your warranty claim but I am sure you can put him on the spot with his superiors.

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I'd probably just end the call quickly and try back later for a different person. If you're really ripped, report them. Depending how it's set up a lot of these kinds of jobs have substantial guidelines to follow. It very well may be (as in the banking industry when you don't even talk to an employee of the bank about your own account - it's subcontracted out) you might not be talking to a Subaru employee. But not sure how auto industry does that, but those folks usually have guidelines to follow in terms of how they treat customers.


That being said - give them some slack most of what they deal with is complaining all day long. My buddy is in this industry and the kinds of calls, threats on their life, and vulgar commentary they get is comical. Not that you deserve any wrath from that, but it's a rough job. But if the guy can't handle you might as well get him fired so you're saving him from all the road rage, foul language, and kicking his dog that probably ensues after he leaves work. :lol:

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Oh I'm sure writing to the higher ups would do nothing for my warranty claim. After all, my headgaskets blew 4 months after my 96 month warranty expired....even though the dealer put a second dose of stop leak,,.ugh conditioner in 2007 to "fix" it long enough for the warranty to expire..... but the rules are the rules. :-\


I'm sure they're planning party at the end of December when probably the last 2002's under the WWP-99 program were sold.

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I'd lean toward Rainman's advice. There's no excuse for his behavior and demeanor. I've dealt with Ford and Chevrolet reps in the past and received nothing short of respect at least in how I was treated. That's their job.


I'd take it upstairs and wouldn't back down until I was satisfied how it was dealt with. Now, that's just me. I tend to be a pit bull with things like this. It's paid off, though. I could tell you stories.

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