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Blizzard of the Century

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older Subaru is much better behaved on ice. I have to say, tonight, that the last good Subaru was 1994.

My brother has 99 outback and its bad on ice, i did not really know what he was talking about til........

Tonight, I figured out what he meant.


My 06 Subaru is now going to be donated off......

I am going to get back into the old school 1994 and pre.those were tanks. this 06 is like rinky dink crap on ice.


Serious, this new stuff is not good at all for ice handling. Its not a traction issue, it's a handling problem of the car. Guess I might be done for the new stuff.

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06 outback does not like deep snow, threw a CEL and cruise light blinky after pulling nto some deep stuff at a parking lot that had not been plowed, didnt look as deep as it was, had to rock back out of and gunned pretty good. Ended up pulling battery cable to reset that crap. researched and the CEL with blinky cruise light cold be many things, my guess is i got the wheels spinning in the front, and the back started to grip, so fronts were likely spinning at say 50mph and the back at about 10mph, so that will cause a trip for the ECU. dunno, will have to see if it stores a code.


I've had the newer subarus (i.e. 90's and newer) throw a CEL when you get the exhaust system very wet -- like fording rivers, plowing snow (with the bottom of the car), or driving for extended periods in very heavy rain (30mph top speed rain...). When they dried out and got back up to temp, it went away. I figured it was something to do with taking the cat temp way down after the engine was warmed up and it though it should be running closed loop... or something like that.


None of those involved the cruise control light also blinking though...


We only ended up with maybe 8 inches of snow here, but we've had 50mph gusts for the past two days, and it's got some pretty deep drifts around. Got the Justy completely high centered coming DOWN my friend's driveway this morning... about 45 minutes of digging to get the wheels to touch the ground again :grin:

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older Subaru is much better behaved on ice. I have to say, tonight, that the last good Subaru was 1994.

My brother has 99 outback and its bad on ice, i did not really know what he was talking about til........

Tonight, I figured out what he meant.


My 06 Subaru is now going to be donated off......

I am going to get back into the old school 1994 and pre.those were tanks. this 06 is like rinky dink crap on ice.


Serious, this new stuff is not good at all for ice handling. Its not a traction issue, it's a handling problem of the car. Guess I might be done for the new stuff.


Interesting... did you have equally good tires on both of them? I've never really driven a new one on ice, with good studded tires on it. I know that the old ones handle pretty well, and I've climbed a mile long driveway up to 20% driveway in sections, that was glazed ice, in the pouring rain, in my old GL wagon once -- nice new blizzaks on it. Surprised me that I could even do it. And, they handle pretty well even sliding sideways :rolleyes:. as in, you can pull them out of the slide, or make it slide where you want alot of the time. Actually a fun way to turn the old wagon around on some roads in the snow -- back up pretty fast then crank the wheel and floor it in 4wd low, and half the time, you end up facing the other way. Other half the time, you end up only three quarters around, with a pile of snow over the hood and can't open the door from plowing it sideways during the spin :lol:

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older Subaru is much better behaved on ice. I have to say, tonight, that the last good Subaru was 1994.

My brother has 99 outback and its bad on ice, i did not really know what he was talking about til........

Tonight, I figured out what he meant.


My 06 Subaru is now going to be donated off......

I am going to get back into the old school 1994 and pre.those were tanks. this 06 is like rinky dink crap on ice.


Serious, this new stuff is not good at all for ice handling. Its not a traction issue, it's a handling problem of the car. Guess I might be done for the new stuff.


There is much, much discussion on that in a different forum. I believe they determined it was a tow issue with the rear end. I haven't been over there in a long time, but the thread is HERE.


They are up to 45 pages. Hopefully you find something in there useful.



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Yeah i had already found that lengthy reading. Well, new Subaru is not feeling like it can keep up with the others on the road, it is not a pleasant controlled drive. Whereas all my older Subaru's would easily outrun the others on the road and were totally planted to the ground. This 06 is not planted, it is like its walking a thin balance beam and keeps falling off, falling off before I could attempt the speed of other cars, trucks zinging by.


I don't think its the tires, i think its a handling issue of some sorts, maybe toe, but I bet with 45 pages of others, that its not really something subaru wants owners to know about, and apparently no fix that I am aware of. so, to those of you thinking to go the route I took, getting rid of the old worn out subarus/clunkers to get something newer and nicer, well, be ware.

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Well if your wanting to donate that useless car you can send it my way. I dont know about other subarus but ive never known a sence of stability on the snow as ive know these past few days. I drive 35mph with ease. Hardly any wheel spin and perfectly planted on the road. Dont know if i can ever go back. Even in big suvs ive rode in they never felt like that.

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before Thursday, I disliked how my Yukon was handling the snow. spinning, etc... still had decent tread, but Thursday evening, I got new Firestone Destination ATs on... and now, driving through all the muck up here, I never even needed to put it in 4WD.


Our '09 Forester seems right at home in the snow...

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I hate lewiston.I just got back from spokane.It snowed the whole way down.A couple of inches deep in some places.Sucks when you would rather just set the cruise at 75 and go.Then I get to lewiston and all of that snow just MAGICALLY disappears.I thought I might get to play in the snow afterwards but no...AND I had to drive our 98 chrysler town and country AWD minivan.went about 50-60 and never had any problems. I did pass a forester going 30 MPH...


...But now I have all the parts needed for my 5 speed swap,and a hood,mirror,taillight,and door handle all for my 84 GL offroad toy...

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