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Anyone know if you can swap rocker arm assemblies?

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So pretty much I have a 96 2.2L in my Outback, and it has hydraulic lash adjusters. I hate them and they always make noise and I'd prefer it to have mechanical adjusters like the 97's and up 2.2L's had. So I'm basically wondering if I can swap the mechanical adjusting rocker arm assembly from the 97 onto the 96 heads? Or would they not fit?

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I'm pretty sure you need a 97 or later head to do that as the cam followers need a recess to sit in. I'm real familiar with the hydrolic lash adjusters. They can easily be rebuilt. I've done over a hundred of these. Buy a cheap ultrasonic sink at Harbor freight, add solvent not water. Take the lash adjusters apart. There is a cap, spring bearing and follower. What happens is some gunk gets into the ball valve and seat allowing these to collapse.

Clean real well in the sink then reassemble. To get the cap on just use a socket and vice. Works well.

This usually solves the issue.

Or try adding a quart of ATF to the oil. It doesn't damage the engine, and does a good job cleaning out the lifters. However, I prefer the lifter rebuild method to solve the ticking issue.

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thanks the info on cleaning the hydraulic lifters. I really wish I could bolt on the mechanical style rockers. I have a pair of heads with those rockers and they look exactly the same as mine does only with adjusters on them. Even if mine stopped ticking, I'd prefer to have adjusters, they are much better in my opinion and any high performance motor uses them.

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thanks the info on cleaning the hydraulic lifters. I really wish I could bolt on the mechanical style rockers. I have a pair of heads with those rockers and they look exactly the same as mine does only with adjusters on them. Even if mine stopped ticking, I'd prefer to have adjusters, they are much better in my opinion and any high performance motor uses them.


You will not solve all your problems. You'll have to check the oilpassages to verify they will swap. You can run a solid lifter on a hydraulic cam but not the other way around.


I wouldn't do it but to each his own.

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