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Let's see your snorkels


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I don't know if this will help you but I just picked up a spfi intake horn.That will connect directly to my carb and it will be the beginning of a snorkel..


so if you have a carb theres how to get started.If you have spfi,its just a matter of relocating the filter to someplace more suitable..

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Besides where snorkels are used widely its not for water crossings. They are used to get cleaner less dusty, cooler air. The guy in front of you could be kicking up some nasty dust and a snorkel is there to keep most of it out of your air cleaner. For this use they are of great value. Plus they look cool:banana:


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When I take on this project, Im thinking about going down to an exhaust shop near here and have them bend up some pipe for the intake and then out through the fender. I think I saw on another post where a guy used a (house) roof top rubber flange(like for you sink breather pipe) to transition out through the fender? Looked like it worked well. Now I cant find the post:mad: I figure it shouldnt be too expensive for my new carbed wagon. For now Im still fighting a mouse nest smell.


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  coldfusion21 said:
Just a thought guys but if you have water up over your engine enough to need a snorkel that goes to the roof, you will have lots of other issues i would think.


Diff and tranny vents, floor vents, electrical stuff on the engine etc...


For a lot of water these are required. My Hatch and Brat had these. Also, you'll need to seal the disty to keep water out of there as well.


  Markus56 said:
quiet you. your giving away our secret :rolleyes:




your right though. its more for show (fo' sho')


the car will survive a quick dip though.


Not hardly! The "for show" guys didn't go where the Hatch Patrol went.


  backcountrycrui said:
Besides where snorkels are used widely its not for water crossings. They are used to get cleaner less dusty, cooler air. The guy in front of you could be kicking up some nasty dust and a snorkel is there to keep most of it out of your air cleaner. For this use they are of great value. Plus they look cool:banana:



Partially true. We had a lot of times where both water amd dust were an issue. There were several times when water up to the windshield was the norm.


Here is my snorkel. I have not found any pics of the engine compartment though.




This was before the snorkel



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  Qman said:
It was a theory but never proven. I really doubt it as the tube and bends combined for about 5-6 feet in length,


I'm not an expert on this sort of thing by any means, but if the tube were pressurized due to forward motion, would that overcome the length of the tubing, bends etc? I can see it being an issue when air is just being drawn in.


Sorry for the sophomoric questions, I guess this is semi on topic still? :)



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i am probably going to to rigging one up for the wagon. it still has the stock carb plumbing going into the inner fender. probably a bad call...:rolleyes:


do people still use the stock air can? or replace it with something else?


the ram air affect was doesn't actually start 'ramming' until about 180mph depending on engine size, opening, etc etc... so don't expect anything. in fact it is probably worse for performance.

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I've posted pics of my snorkel before, but here you go:


It's 3" exhaust pipe custom done at my friend's exhaust shop. It's mounted with some tabs on the snorkel that are bolted down to nuts that are welded onto the a-pillar. I topped it off with a Safari Snorkel head and then plumbed it under the hood to an in-line enclosed K&N Apollo air filter. If it weren't for the great deal my friend gave me on the parts and labor, then this would probably cost more than most people want to spend on a Subaru snorkel. Besides getting cooler and cleaner air, so far it has only really helped with driving through deep puddles and streams on trails that splashed up under the hood. I don't have plans of doing any river fording considering the rest of my car is not water-proofed.











Edited by bobs97c5
fixed IMG's
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Scott in Bellingham said:


Ixve seen all these "snorkles" now lets see them in action with your car in deep water or are they just for looks?


hehe, yeah! :)


I like Qman's and jbbvw's. Keep from having smashed PVC pipe all over a tight trail.


Been wanting to do a snorkle for quite awhile myself.

Though I've been through some long deep stuff that had water up splashing the windshield, coming in thorugh the doors, ect. And been lucky to not have an engine problem yet (finds a piece of wood to knock on). Drained the diff a couple times though. :rolleyes:

Keeping the right wake in front of you helps. But if you have to stop... Snorkle time. :)

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